How-To: Etherbone with Wireshark


Wireshark might be useful when you need to inspect Etherbone packages sent via Ethernet, see here. Here are a few hints go get this working.

Etherbone Dissector

The EB dissector 'etherbone.lua' is available in the repository. Try the following to get a local installation:
  • install package 'wireshark' (Mint 19.1 / Ubuntu Bionic; this triggers the installation of a couple of additional packages)
  • install additional package 'liblua5.1-bitop0' (Mint 19.1 / Ubuntu Bionic)
  • edit 'etc/wireshark/init.lua' and add the dissector at the end of 'init.lua':
if not running_superuser or run_user_scripts_when_superuser then
    dofile("/home/yourUserName/folder/etherbone.lua")       // just add this line

Note: Depending on you wireshark installation, you may need to apply a minor fix to 'etherbone.lua' which is described here.


View Data
sudo tcpdump -p -K -n -i <network interface> -s 0 -w trace.pcap
to capture data from your network interface to file 'trace.pcap'.

Then, fire up 'wireshark' as normal user and inspect the 'pcap' file.

Inspecting Large Files
In case of large files, the 'etherbone.lua' script slows down processing data with wireshark. Consider disabling the Etherbone protocol (Menu -> Analyze -> Enabled Protocols) when not inspecting the contents of Etherbone packets.

-- DietrichBeck - 11 Oct 2019
Topic revision: r3 - 2019-10-11, dbeck
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