How-To: snoopy-spy


This is a simple command line tool and provided by one of our colleagues from FEC and available on the ASL 7 cluster. Although this tool is probably not offical, you should consider giving it a try.


usage: snoopy-spy [-h] [--mode {GRAPH,CHAINS,BOTH}] [--detail DETAIL]
                  [--update UPDATE] [--device DEVICE] [--fec FEC]
                  [--ascii ASCII]

Live display of timing events and scheduled chains.

positional arguments:
  {int,dev,pro}         environment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --detail DETAIL       number of lines per chain. 0 only shows timestamp of
                        last event (default: 100)
  --update UPDATE       waits for this number of notifications from the
                        WRSnoop (default: 20)
  --device DEVICE       the NOMEN of the WRSnoop (default: ZT00ZM01)
  --fec FEC             the FEC where the WRSnoop is running (default: )
  --ascii ASCII

Example: Status of PRO
Simply try the following
[user@asl707 ~]$ snoopy-spy pro

|   __|  _  |  |  |                         no warranty for correctness or usefulness
|__   |   __|_   _|     snoopy-spy          screen witdh > 97 is recommended
|_____|__| _  |_| ______________________________________________________________________________

last update: 2019-09-06 10:18:04.379214  started: 2019-09-06 10:14:07.469940
(seconds running: 236.909274 seconds since previous update: 2.753602)

                                  HHT                      HTM           530--HTD              
                                  /                         /             /           CRYRING   
                                512                       518            x--525-HTC     200     
                                /                         /             /               211     
                               x----513---x---516--x-517-x-519        522                |      
                              /            \      /           \       /                 201    x
                             /              514- / --x----520--x-521-x         HTA       |    / 
                           511                  /     \               \        /        202 240 
                           /                   /      515-HADES       523    527         |  /   
                          /               -510-                         \    /        ---x--    
                         /       /503\   /      ESR                      x-526       /   |      
                        x----502---x----x--504--340---------524---------/    \     531  203     
                       /          /             341                          528   /     |      
                      /         509                                            \---     210     
                    501         /                                              529              
                    /     -507-x--508-HFS                                        \              
          SIS      /     /                                                       HTP            
   /      301                                                                                   
8 SIS18_FAST_HTC_20190702_095420.C1                                               last events: 0
10sec      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
1min       0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
10min      0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0 
3 Mg_2019_march.C1                                       last events: 2019-09-06 10:18:04.379214
10sec     16    24     0    22    12    52 
1min      88   132     0   121    66   286 
10min    336   504     0   462   252  1092 
5 SIS18_FAST_RF_SYNC_TEST_20190206.C1                    last events: 2019-09-06 10:18:04.379214
10sec    205 
1min    1223 
10min   4538 
6 ESR_KICKER_TEST_Sep2019.C1                             last events: 2019-09-06 10:17:51.312817
10sec      0 
1min     317 
10min   1533 
GREEN last events before 2019-09-06 10:18:04.379214
BRIGHT YELLOW last events before 2019-09-06 10:18:01.625612
YELLOW last events before 2019-09-06 10:17:58.771903
!!! NOTE: only gid and bpcid of the events is used. Times are all local time!!!

-- DietrichBeck - 06 Sep 2019
Topic revision: r1 - 2019-09-06, dbeck
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