How-To: Command Line Tools for Timing Receiver (including SCU)


A set of command line tools is deployed and available on Front-End Computers (FECs). Typically, these tools might be helpful for diagnosis, configuration and commissioning, when the FEC is not being used for dry-runs or production of beam. Some of these tools might also be used for production, when required features are not not yet included in the upper layers of the control system stack. This overview is not complete but highlights only most commonly used tools.


The tables below give an overview on the various tools. Use TOOLNAME -h to get command line help for all tools. Some tools have a dedicated how-to (click on name of tool).

Tool What Purpose Audience Remark
eb-console White Rabbit PTP, networking commissioning and diagnosis of White Rabbit and network timing expert White Rabbit Console via Etherbone
eb-ls list Wishbone devices basic test and diagnosis user THE "hello world" for a timing receiver
eb-write write data to a Wishbone device you need to know what you are doing expert  
eb-read read data from a Wishbone device you need to know what you are doing expert  
eb-info display info on gateware and firmware diagnoisis user  
eb-flash write new gateware image to flash chip maintenance admin  
eb-time display White Rabbit time and status diagnosis user try 'eb-mon' instead
eb-mon display various data, mainly on White Rabbit diagnosis user supports 1-wire temperature sensors too
eb-fwload uploads firmware a LM32 Soft-CPUs development expert  
eb-reset resets FPGA and loads new image from flash maintenance, fix issues with stalled OS on SCU expert  
Table: Tools based on Etherbone. Click on the name of the tool for more info.

Tool What Purpose Audience Remark
saft-clk-gen generate clock at digital output test and operation user  
saft-ctl display TR and ECA status, do simple things basic test and diagnosis user, admin THE "hello world" for saftlib, event snooping
saft-dm provides a local data master generate events and schedules with nanosecond precision user useful,
if the central Data Master is not available
for "rapid prototyping" of schedules
for local tests and equipment integration
saft-ecpu-ctl configure ECA for embedded CPU   controls expert  
saft-io-ctl configure outputs and ECA for outputs test and operation user  
saft-pps-gen generate a PPS on every output debugging and diagnosis timing expert  
saft-lcd live display of Beam Production Chains debugging and diagnosis user this is experimental smile
Table: Tools based on saftlib. Click on the name of the tool for more info.

-- DietrichBeck - 25 Feb 2024
Topic revision: r25 - 2022-02-25, dbeck
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