Backlinks to TimingSystemHowConfigureFTRNCommandLine in TOS/Timing Web (Search all webs)

Results from TOS/Timing web retrieved at 07:46 (Local)

Balloon Release (OUTDATED) The Balloon Release is NOT COMPATIBLE with the snapshot "January 2016" or previous releases or snapshots. If you want to test or integr...
Cherry Release V4 (OUTDATED) The Cherry Release is partly compatible with the the Balloon release. * ECA et al should be compatible * But ... * there ...
Simple API For Timing (SaftLib) Simple API For Timing (SAFT). The design and implementation of SaftLib is a major project. Introduction The key features SaftLib ...
Etherbone Introduction The idea behind the EtherBone (EB) protocol is to extend the reach of the embedded Wishbone (WB) V4 System on a chip (SoC) bus system to r...
r4 - 2022-10-08 - 23:02 by dbeck
Timing Receiver: Usage For using a Timing Receiver (TR) please follow the directions here. What is Needed * TR hardware, see here what is supported by the cur...
How To: eb fwload Introduction This tool has been written to ease software development form lm32 Soft Cores. It allows to upload firmware to one or more Soft Cor...
r4 - 2019-06-19 - 15:55 by dbeck
How To: eb info Introduction This tool has been written to get information on gateware and firmware actually employed. Usage Usage: eb info OPTION w ...
r2 - 2019-06-19 - 14:11 by dbeck
How To: eb mon Introduction The original intention about this tool has been to get (simpler) access to data of the White Rabbit PTP core. But as the name suggest...
r14 - 2019-10-22 - 08:26 by dbeck
How To: eb rest Introduction This tool has been written to easy 'reset of FPGA'. This cycles the FPGA and (re)loads the image from the flash to the FPGA. Use too...
r3 - 2022-11-04 - 09:49 by dbeck
Timing Messages: How To Snoop the Timing System News FEC for FESA class is now scuxl0143. Introduction This is a first simple solution to view what is going on ...
r10 - 2021-01-22 - 11:28 by schwinn
How To: saft clk gen Introduction This tool is intended to generate clock trains for fixed frequencies. It uses a simple DDS embedded in the timing receivers gat...
How To: saft ctl Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose the status saftlib and provide ECA related information of a timing receiver. Moreover one can do ...
r5 - 2020-12-10 - 12:03 by mreese
How To: saft dm Introduction This tool (saft dm: "saft Data Master") is intended to provide a primitive Data Master for local operations in the FEC. This tool mi...
r3 - 2020-12-10 - 12:00 by mreese
How To: saft io ctl Introduction Use this tool to configure I/Os and setup rules for I/Os in the ECA. Usage IO CTL for SAFTlib Usage: saft io ctl OPTIONS Ar...
How To: saft lcd Introduction This is a an experimental GSI specific command line tool for live display of Beam Production Chains (BPC). Usage via Command Line ...
r5 - 2020-05-02 - 15:41 by dbeck
HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection. The purpose is to write down some things, before we forget them... Timing System The recommended official interface ...
Number of topics: 16
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