This how to describes how to use LLDP in WR Devices. It is not meant to clarify what is LLDP.

Info (November 2017): The development is already in Master (and by this also in ProposedMaster). The doc has been sent to CERN. It should be included in the next WRS release.

WR Nodes

Clone the wrpc-sw from master and checkout the release >= wrpc-v4.1 . The LLPD implementation is since months in Master. Be sure that the LLDP config is enable:

make config

Load the firmware in the a WR Node or compile a WR Core with this firmware. Connect the WR Nodes to a WR Switch with firmware > v5.0.1

WR Switches

You need a switch with a firmware > v5.0.1. To the date 13/11/2017 is in Master and Proposed Master of the wr-switch-sw. If you want to use it either you wait for the 5.1 release or you compile your own WR Switch software. If you want to check the LLDP info of the nodes:


[2017-05-31 20:22:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017-05-31 20:22:35] LLDP neighbors:
[2017-05-31 20:22:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017-05-31 20:22:35] Interface:    wri6, via: LLDP, RID: 2, Time: 0 day, 00:16:03
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]   Chassis:
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     ChassisID:    mac 00:26:7b:00:02:28
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     SysName:      WR Timing Receiver
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     SysDescr:     wrpc-v4.0-17-g4f2a93
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     TTL:          32
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     MgmtIP:
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]   Port:
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     PortID:       local WR Port
[2017-05-31 20:22:35]     PortDescr:
[2017-05-31 20:22:35] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

or for more information and configuration possibilities check the cli

[2017-05-31 20:23:34] [lldpcli] # help
[2017-05-31 20:23:35] 
[2017-05-31 20:23:35] -- Help
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]        show  Show running system information
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]       watch  Monitor neighbor changes
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]      update  Update information and send LLDPU on all ports
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]   configure  Change system settings
[2017-05-31 20:23:35] unconfigure  Unconfigure system settings
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]        help  Get help on a possible command
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]       pause  Pause lldpd operations
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]      resume  Resume lldpd operations
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]        exit  Exit interpreter
[2017-05-31 20:23:35]

WR Switches LLDP - SNMP

You can retrieve the LLDP info using snmp_walk or similar software. LLDP-SMP MIB

-- CesarPrados - 13 Nov 2017
Topic revision: r4 - 2017-11-15, dbeck
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