How-To: saft-uni
This tool is intended to diagnose UNILAC operation.
This tool is experimental!
The standard tool
saft-ctl can of course be used. However, the event rate at the UNILAC 'Pulszentrale' (PZ) is typical above 2 kHz and considerably higher than for the FAIR Data Master. This is mainly due to the 50 Hz operation rate of UNILAC. Thus, using
alone is a bit tricky.
As a solution,
comes along with some primitive analysis of UNILAC event data that is sent by the
White Rabbit based 'Pulszentrale'.
For more information please check the following:
[me@node ~]# saft-uni -h
Usage: saft-uni <device name> [OPTIONS] [command]
-h display this help and exit
-f use the first attached device (and ignore <device name>)
-d display values in dec format
-x display values in hex format
-v more verbosity, usefull with command 'snoop'
-U display/inject absolute time in UTC instead of TAI
-L used with command 'inject' and -U: if injected UTC second is ambiguous choose the later one
snoop <type> snoop events from WR-UNIPZ @ UNILAC, <type> may be one of the following
'0' event display, but limited to GIDs of UNILAC and a subset of event numbers
'1' shows virtual accelerator executed at the seven PZs, similar to 'rsupcycle'
additionally shown are warming pulses for ion sources '(IQ)',
'warming pulses' for rf systems '(HFW)' and
'conditioning pulses' for rf systems '(HFC)'
'2' shows virtual accelerator executed at the seven PZs, similar to 'eOverview'
This tool snoops and diplays UNILAC specific info.
UNILAC is operated at 50Hz cycle rate. Timing sections are named QR, QL, HSI, QN, HLI, AT and TK.
There exist two injectors:
1. The High Current Injector (HSI) with two ions sources (QR, QL).
2. The High Charge Injector (HLI) with one ion source (QN).
The beams of the two injectors are accelerated into the 'Alvarez Section' (AT). The beam can be
used for experiments or guided to the SIS18 via the 'Transfer Channel' (TK).
Beams are defined by 'Virtual Acceleratores' (vacc):
vacc 0..13 are used for standard operaton.
vacc 14 is used for rf-conditioning or standalone ion-source operation.
vacc 15 is used for otherpurposes.
Shown are flags indicating special modes of operation: N(o chopper), S(hort chopper), R(igid beam),
D(ry 'beam') and H(igh current beam); warming pulses are shown in brackets
Report bugs to <> !!!
Licensed under the GPL v3.
Events ('snoop 0')
Displays a subset of UNILAC specific events.
Cycles ('snoop 1')
Prints information of each cycle to the screen. The output is similar to the Device Access property 'rsupcycle' of the MIL based 'Pulszentrale'.
[ruth@scuxl0815-snooper ~]# saft-uni tr0 snoop 1
21: 6 (IQ) 2 S2 6 S2
22: (IQ) (HF)
23: (IQ) 5 N5
24: 6 (HF) 6
25: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
26: (IQ) (HF)
27: 6 5 N5 6
28: (IQ) (HF)
29: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
30: 6 (HF) 6
31: (IQ) 4 5 N5 R4
32: (IQ) (HF)
33: 6 2 NS2 6 NS2
34: (IQ) (HF)
35: (IQ) 5 N5
36: 6 (HF) 6
37: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
38: (IQ) (HF)
39: 6 5 N5 6
40: (IQ) (HF)
41: (IQ) (IQ) 2 S2 S2
42: 6 (HF) 6
43: (IQ) 5 N5
44: (IQ) (HF)
45: 6 2 NS2 6 NS2
46: (IQ) (HF)
47: (IQ) 5 N5
48: 6 (HF) 6
49: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
50: (IQ) (HF)
51: 6 (IQ) 5 N5 6
52: (IQ) (HF)
53: (IQ) 3 S3 S3 S3
54: 6 (HF) 6
55: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
56: (IQ) (HF)
57: 6 5 N5 6
58: (IQ) (HF)
59: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
60: 6 (HF) 6
61: (IQ) 4 5 N5 R4
62: (IQ) (HF)
63: 6 2 S2 6 S2
64: (IQ) (HF)
65: (IQ) 5 N5
66: 6 (HF) 6
67: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
68: (IQ) (HF)
69: 6 5 N5 6
70: (IQ) (HF)
71: (IQ) (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
72: 6 (HF) 6
73: (IQ) 5 N5
74: (IQ) (HF)
75: 6 2 NS2 6 NS2
76: (IQ) (HF)
77: (IQ) 5 N5
78: 6 (HF) 6
79: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
80: (IQ) (HF)
81: 6 (IQ) 5 N5 6
82: (IQ) (HF)
83: (IQ) 2 S2 S2
84: 6 (HF) 6
85: (IQ) 5 N5
86: (IQ) (HF)
87: 6 2 NS2 6 NS2
88: (IQ) (HF)
89: (IQ) 5 N5
90: 6 (HF) 6
91: (IQ) 4 2 NS2 R4 NS2
92: (IQ) (HF)
93: 6 5 N5 6
94: (IQ) (HF)
95: (IQ) 2 NS2 NS2
96: 6 (HF) 6
Virtual accelerators executed at the seven PZs (similar to 'rsupcycle' of good old device access). The vacc number is accompanied by flags 'N'o chopper, 'S'hort chopper, 'R'igid beam, 'D'ry and 'H'igh current; 'warming pulses' are shown in brackets.
Virtual Accelerator Operation ('snoop 2')
Prints information on each vacc to the screen. The output is similar to the Device Access property 'eOverview' of the MIL based 'Pulszentrale'.
[ruth@scuxl0815-snooper ~]# saft-uni tr0 snoop 2
vacc QR QL QN HLI HSI AT TK rate flags
2 X X X 24.50
5 X X 1.00 N
7 X X 1.75
8 X X X 24.50
9 X X X X 1.00 H
14 X 23.25
Virtual accelerators executed at the seven PZs (similar to 'eOverview' of good old device access). The vacc number is accompanied by flags 'N'o chopper, 'S'hort chopper, 'R'igid beam, 'D'ry and 'H'igh current.
DietrichBeck - 21 Aug 2021