50 recent changes in Linux Web retrieved at 22:22 (Local)

Upgrade to Debian Wheezy The current oldstable Debian version is called Wheezy. The Debian version is 7.x with x == 9 as of September 2015. If you are coming dire...
PDF documents PDF readers Since Adobe's decision to discontinue the Adobe Reader for Linux you'll have to use another tool for viewing PDF files, e.g. * xpdf ...
GSI Linux accounts Applying for an account Normally Linux accounts are created together with GSI Windows accounts, so if you have a Windows account or a mailbox ...
Customize the settings for the editor vim The editor vim supports a bunch of useful features. You may activate them during a session or set them as your personal ...
If you want to connect to eduroam from GSI without using Network Manager and the like, use this as your wpa_supplicant.conf and adjust identity and passwort accor...
Main.ChristopherHuhn 16 Jun 2005
LibreOffice LibreOffice is a suite of office applications for presentations, text, and spread sheet processing. It is a standard part of the LinuxDesktop installa...
Frequently Asked Questions What is the meaning of these "lx" host names anyway? → MachineTypes How can I use the HPC resources to do some calculations? → Clust...
The Linux folks at GSI The best approach to get in touch is to send an email to linux service@gsi.de. The Linux system administrators at GSI are: Name Email ...
Converting different graphic formats Sometimes one has to convert some graphics to another format, i.e. jpg to ps. * One way is to open the file with an almos...
Gnu Compilers (gcc) The gcc suite is part of the standard installation of the LinuxFarm, installed as debian packages: Debian version GCC version Debian 6...
Debian 8 Jessie Debian 8, codename Jessie has been released on 25/4/2015. For information on changes from DebianWheezy please have a look at JessieUpgrade. Main...
Converting different text formats Line endings Sometimes you'll have to transfer plain text files from Linux to other systems like Mac or Windows. For this you'l...
Optimizations for Firefox, Thunderbird and its relatives Since early 2005, the recommended browser is Mozilla Firefox (called Iceweasel on Debian). Since it is a ...
Debian Pakete bauen und kompilieren Paketformat Als Linux Distribution muss die Software in Debian neben der ausführbaren Binärform i. A. auch als SourceCode vor...
Debugging Job Environment Use srun with option pty to allocate an interactive Bash. Select the "debug" partition with option p, partition, and target the inte...
How to print with GSI/Linux Printing from KDE 3 All print jobs must be submitted to the central server printserver.gsi.de that takes care of print job queueing a...
Environment Modules DebPkg:environment modules is a tool to modify your shell environment in a comfortable and modular way. For most shells the module command is ...
Debian Package Management German only and rather outdated: DebianPaketVerwaltung Managing Patches with Quilt Cf. DebianWiki:UsingQuilt 1 Setup quilt environ...
SSL certificates Many services at GSI are only available via SSL encrypted communication (i.e. https://..., Mailbox access, ...). The server certificates (keys) f...
Watch your trash If you're running out of disc space ... Please keep in mind that many applications with graphical user interfaces do not really delete files but ...
Upgrade to Debian 4.0 (Etch) Some of this information may be obsolete! We are currently upgrading to Debian Etch. Large portions of the BatchFarm are already runn...
Xmonad Xmonad is a tiling window manager. See http://xmonad.org/ for a description of all the goodies. * The Xmonad desktop is mouse insensitive! It is possibl...
Configuration Server It is possible to run emacs in client server mode. One way of doing this comfortably is this: 1. set EDITOR to emacsclient c $@ 2. s...
Deutsche Version Im folgenden werden für verschiedene Mail Programme, die bei GSI verfügbar sind, Methoden zur Mail Verschlüsselung aufgezeigt. Thunderbird Im An...
NEW - 2013-08-14 - 13:00 by UweScholz
Prolog: Ich erteile hier das Wort Debian bei der GSI Funktioniert so gut wie nie Seit Jahren wird mit größter Kraft Alles andere abgeschafft. Mit SuSE wär das nie...
BrowserPluginSecurity Overview In the past and the present browser plugins especially Java and Flash were subject to severe software bugs. Those bugs can oft...
Reorganization and upgrade of www linux http://www linux.gsi.de www linux.gsi.de , the host that serves the WebDocs of the LinuxFarm users is also its last din...
https://github.com/vpenso/libvirt shell functions
Upgrade to Debian 3.1 (Sarge) The upgrade of the GSI LinuxFarm from Debian 3.0 (Woody) to 3.1 (Sarge) has been completed. Preparations for booting into Sarge Bes...
LSF Load Sharing Facility Load Sharing Facility (LSF) ist ein Cluster Monitor und Queueing System. Interaktive und Batch Jobs werden mit Hilfe einer intelligente...
Main.CarstenPreuss 12 Apr 2011 Using QMON Queue Control This dialog is used to show the overall cluster status as well as the status of all nodes. From here the ...
Main.CarstenPreuss 16 May 2011 Resource based (SGE) versus slot based (LXadmin.LSF) scheduling In LXadmin.LSF we have 1 job per core. This is most of the time ine...
Main.CarstenPreuss 12 Apr 2011 Configuring SGE qconf There are 2 ways to configure SGE with the CLI, by predefined text files or by templates. qconf A M textfi...
Main.CarstenPreuss 16 May 2011 no Black Hole detection for hosts for queue instances there is something similar, but reacts mainly on problems with SGE itself, NO...
Main.CarstenPreuss 12 Apr 2011 Current Environment Currently SGE is installed on lxlsftest and is exported via LXadmin.NFS to all involved (Submit and Batch ) n...
Main.CarstenPreuss 12 Apr 2011 How to install a master host? $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sgemaster How to install an admin host? Just mount or copy /SGE from the...
Main.CarstenPreuss 16 May 2011 How to use SGE in a non LXadmin.NFS environment? SGE is developed to work in a LXadmin.NFS environment, at least SGE itself is dep...
Main.CarstenPreuss 12 Apr 2011 ATTENTION : In SGE the help for a single command is shown by qsub/alter/... help NOT h NOR help ! Jobs qsub The easiest way to...
Batch queues Name restrictions short max. 60 min cpu time, preempts all other queues research preempts queue batch, max. 5 jobs per use...
Upgrade to Debian 5.0 (Lenny) Upgrade of desktop boxes to Debian Lenny is still in progress see also the ReleasePlan. If you are experiencing problems create a ...
Tested Webdav Clients Cadaver (command line tool, UNIX/Linux) Be sure, that the cadaver ssl package is installed. If not, ask your system administrator how to ge...
WebDAV Rights Management ACL (Access Control List) To manage rights on your WebDAV resources, you define ACLs through the WebDAV interface, e.g. with DAVExplorer...
Linux farm overview The so called Linux Farm is a centrally managed network of computers running Debian Linux. To get more detailed information please take a look...
Group Servers Each Linux netboot client of our farm is associated to a group server where it gets its operating system from. To reduce the load the clients are co...
USB storage devices This documentation is obsolete and does not apply after the EtchUpgrade. Hot pluggable USB storage devices like memory sticks or external hard...
Debian Paketverwaltung Kurzeinführung Die Debian Paketverwaltung besteht im Kern aus den Werkzeugen dpkg und apt. Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Fähigkeiten ...
Expect Scripting Im Alltag eines Shell Benutzers ist man oft mit interaktiven Shell Programmen konfrontiert. Will man diese automatisieren, kann man standardmäßig...
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