Gnu Compilers (gcc)

The gcc-suite is part of the standard installation of the LinuxFarm, installed as debian packages:

Debian version GCC version
Debian 6 Squeeze (→ 4.4.5
Debian 7 Wheezy (→ 4.7.2
Debian 8 Jessie 4.9.2

The suite contains
  • the C compiler gcc,
  • the C++ compiler g++,
  • the Fortran 95 compiler gfortran,
  • the Fortran 77 compiler f77 (via f2c Fortran-to-C translator),
  • the Ada compiler gnat,
  • the D compiler gdc

The compiler frontends for Prolog, Lisp, Objective-C, Go etc are not installed at the moment but may be installed on request.

The Fortran 77 compiler g77 has been discontinued with after GCC version 3 and was not available after the end of live of Debian 4 Etch.

Additional compilers (e.g IntelCompiler) may be available via CVMFS.

Online documentation is available at

-- Christo, ThomasRoth - 2005 - 2015
Topic revision: r4 - 2015-07-21, ChristopherHuhn - This page was cached on 2024-10-15 - 16:18.

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