Intel Compiler Suite

GSI has licenses for the Intel Compiler Suite.

Setup via CVMFS

To setup the correct environment for the Intel Compiler Suite the environment modules are used. To load all available modules simply do
module use /cvmfs/

TO list the available modules do
module avail

Here you will see all available versions of the Intel compilers as compiler/intel/. To load one of them do for example
module load compiler/intel/12.1

Afterwards you can use the C++ compiler icc, the Fortran compiler ifort and the debugger idb. To avoid problems it is only possible to load one compiler at the same time. If you have already loaded another version of any additional compiler you will get an error message. In such a case unload the module before loading the new one
module unload compiler/.../...

-- FlorianUhlig - 07 May 2015
Topic revision: r8 - 2017-08-08, StefanHaller - This page was cached on 2025-02-12 - 17:28.

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