USB storage devices

This documentation is obsolete and does not apply after the EtchUpgrade.

Hot-pluggable USB storage devices like memory sticks or external hard drives are handeled by the script /usr/sbin/usb-mount automatically on plugin.

Generally the following actions are taken:
  1. Detection of the file system(s) on the storage device
  2. Mountpoints are created below /media/usb-storage/

Several user-configurable actions may also be taken:
  1. Mount the partition on plugin
  2. Sound notification
  3. launch the partition's root directory (either with Konqueror (KDE) or Nautilus (Gnome).
  4. Create desktop icons

Sample options for ~/.usb-mount:
# sound files for notification

# wether or not to launch a file manager

# wether or not to create desktop icons 

-- Christo - 24 Nov 2004

Topic revision: r2 - 2009-06-25, ChristopherHuhn
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