Batch queues

Name restrictions
short max. 60 min cpu time, preempts all other queues
research preempts queue batch, max. 5 jobs per user, max. 15 jobs in the farm, max. 5 hours CPU time
batch unlimited, runs on 64 bit Etch nodes
blenny64 unlimited, runs on 64 bit Lenny nodes
proof preemptive, max 100 jobs in the farm, max. 8 hours cpu time, restricted for Alice PoD execution
dgrid preemptive, max 200 jobs in the farm, restricted for Grid
alicetest64 restricted to Alice GRID jobs
alice-t3 restricted to Alice group
alice-t3_2h restricted to Alice group, 2 hours runtime
alice-t3_train restricted to Alice group, for train jobs
hades unlimited, restricted to Hades group (This queue is only available temporarily)
gropi runs on Fopi desktops, 1 Job per host, restricted to Fopi group


Normal output of batch jobs (stdout, stderr) will automatically be sent to you via email by the LSF system. Please keep that output small or write it directly into a file (e.g. by appending > _filename 2&>1 to your command). We got mails larger than 500 MBytes in the past.

-- HelmutKreiser, Christo - 05 Apr 2004 -- ThomasRoth - 29 Jun 2006-- ThomasRoth - 26 Oct 2007
Topic revision: r8 - 2011-08-11, CarstenPreuss
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