-- CarstenPreuss - 12 Apr 2011

Configuring SGE


There are 2 ways to configure SGE with the CLI, by predefined text files or by templates.

qconf -A|-M textfile

will read the information from the given textfile.

There are usually 4 actions one can take : add, modify, delete and show configurations.

qconf -a|-m|-d|-s

There are 3 kind of host types in SGE, master, submit and execution.

qconf -ae

will open a template file for execution hosts, do the changes and write back the file, that's everything!

qconf -mq alicgrid

will open the configuration for the queue alicegrid.

Modifying SGE


One thing that is different from LSF is the concept of queue instances, this is just like a queue on a host. Unlike as in LSF one does not close a queue or a host, instead one has to close all queue instances belonging to a queue or a host :

qmod -d alicegrid@'*' 'closes' the queue alicegrid

qmod -d '*'@lxb500 'closes' lxb500

Disabeling the complete cluster is done by :

qmod -d '*'@'*'

The advantage of this concept is that these queue instances can act independently from each other on queue and host level.

E.g. if /var/gsi/gridhome is missing for some reasons on lxb500 and the GRID jobs will fail there, there is no need to close the complete node, but only the queue instance.
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-11-07, BastianNeuburger - This page was cached on 2024-10-15 - 16:08.

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