Linux at GSI


  • If you have questions concerning user accounts eg. resetting passwords please contact the IT Service Desk (☎ 2515).

Reporting Issues

Beforehand you may want to browse TipsTricks and FrequentlyAskedQuestions, as well as read the "how to" documentation further down.

Also check for IT incident announcements.

In case of operational issues open a trouble ticket by sending a mail to

Trouble-tickets should contain the following information:

  1. Your Linux user account name.
  2. The hostname of the computer you are using.
  3. The error message you receive.
  4. Possibly the command-line your are executing in a shell.



  • FileSystems -- Where to find home-directories of other users, application software, simulation and analysis data? (LustreFs, CVMFS)
  • MachineTypes -- What is the meaning of these lx... names anyway?
  • Tips'n'tricks -- How to tweak your KDE, XFCE, ssh, Mozilla and relatives, keyboard. How to work with MS office documents, audio, video and graphics data
  • HowTo...
  • Index of all Topics


We are running Debian GNU/Linux, primarily Debian 11 "Bullseye" and Debian 12 "Bookworm" at the moment. For further information on our road-map take a look at the ReleasePlan. Refer to the list of Debian books for a general overview.


This topic: Linux > WebHome
Topic revision: 2024-05-23, ChristopherHuhn
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