Jul 2010 2393 0 0 2326 FIRST
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Aug 2010 157 0 0 157 FIRST  
Sep 2010 73 0 0  70 FIRST
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Oct 2010 71 0 0  71 FIRST  
Nov 2010 49 0 0  49 FIRST  
Dec 2010 91 0 0  91 FIRST  
Jan 2011 721 0 0 710 FIRST
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Feb 2011 2910 8 0 2872 FIRST
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  4 Christo
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Mar 2011 2774 64 2 2465 FIRST
129 WebRss
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  4 WebSearch
  3 WebChanges
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 35 TillBoehlen
 31 AlessioSarti
Apr 2011 3292 31 5 2966 FIRST
136 SimulationSoftware
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  4 SoftMeet26Jan11
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 32 TillBoehlen
  4 AlessioSarti
May 2011 1620 2 0 1483 FIRST
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  1 AlessioSarti
  1 TillBoehlen
Jun 2011 773 4 0 576 FIRST
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  1 WebIndex
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  2 AlessioSarti
  2 TillBoehlen
Jul 2011 6135 30 1 5807 FIRST
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 15 RadekPleskac
 14 AlessioSarti
  2 TillBoehlen
Aug 2011 2465 171 0 1507 FIRST
276 WebRss
179 OnlinePage
159 DaqLogSummary
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111 AlessioSarti
 25 VincenzoMonaco
 17 VincenzoPatera
 17 AlessandroPaoloni
  1 HannanYounis
Sep 2011 1294 5 0 1053 FIRST
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  5 AlessioSarti
Oct 2011 2407 36 0 1922 FIRST
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 18 AlessioSarti
 10 VincenzoMonaco
  8 AlessioBocci
Nov 2011 1625 23 5 1277 FIRST
105 WebRss
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 27 AlessioSarti
  1 ChristianFinck
Dec 2011 1339 0 0 1176 FIRST
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Jan 2012 725 0 0 450 FIRST
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Feb 2012 1984 6 0 870 FIRST
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Mar 2012 1416 3 0 1174 FIRST
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  3 AlessioSarti
Apr 2012 990 41 0 773 FIRST
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 10 AlessioSarti
May 2012 488 11 0 198 FIRST
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  9 AlessioSarti
  2 AlessioBocci
Jun 2012 983 2 0 611 FIRST
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 39 HighlevelReconstruction
 34 DataQuality
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 27 DaqLogSummary
 22 DataReconstructionStatus
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  2 AlessioSarti
Jul 2012 539 6 1 307 FIRST
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  4 VincenzoMonaco
  3 AlessioSarti
Aug 2012 990 6 1 764 WebRss
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  7 AlessioSarti
Sep 2012 1306 0 0 697 WebRss
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Oct 2012 976 4 0 694 FIRST
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  4 AlessioSarti
Nov 2012 2088 2 0 1645 FIRST
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  2 AlessioSarti
Dec 2012 823 18 1 561 FIRST
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 19 AlessioSarti
Jan 2013 833 2 0 576 FIRST
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 45 SimulationSoftware
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 31 ReconstructionSoftware
 26 HighlevelReconstruction
 15 FirstPapers
  8 DaqLogSummary
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  5 TofWallCalibrationData
  2 AlessioSarti
Feb 2013 875 0 0 501 FIRST
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Mar 2013 1157 0 0 559 FIRST
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Apr 2013 1451 0 0 1204 FIRST
108 ReconstructionCode
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May 2013 407 0 0 211 FIRST
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Jun 2013 406 0 0 144 FIRST
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Jul 2013 784 0 0 631 FIRST
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Aug 2013 252 1 0 201 FIRST
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  1 AlessioSarti
Sep 2013 526 0 0 410 FIRST
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Oct 2013 1902 1 0 1701 FIRST
102 ReconstructionCode
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Nov 2013 961 0 0 311 FIRST
112 DataReconstructionStatus
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Dec 2013 0 0 0    
Jan 2014 33 0 0   8 HighlevelReconstruction
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Feb 2014 0 0 0    
Apr 2014 262 11 0 137 FIRST
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May 2014 248 1 0  80 DataReconstructionStatus
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  1 MarcoToppi
Jul 2014 259 4 1  58 FirstPapers
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  5 AlessioSarti
Aug 2014 233 11 0  69 FIRST
 33 FirstpaperSystematics
 15 FirstPapers
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  6 VertexReconstructionSoftware
  5 DataReconstructionStatus
 11 AlessioSarti
Sep 2014 211 1 0  44 FIRST
 16 FirstpaperSystematics
 13 ReconstructionCode
 11 DaqLogSummary
 11 WebStatistics
 10 WebIndex
  9 WebNotify
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  1 AlessioSarti
Oct 2014 360 2 0  52 FIRST
 35 FirstPapers
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 21 FirstpaperSystematics
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 18 WebPreferences
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  2 AlessioSarti
Nov 2014 481 5 1 103 DaqLogSummary
 50 FirstPapers
 35 FirstpaperSystematics
 19 WebIndex
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 17 BeamReconstructionSoftware
 15 WebSearch
  5 AlessioSarti
  1 MarcoToppi
Dec 2014 1415 4 1 598 DaqLogSummary
113 WebStatistics
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  5 AlessioSarti
Jan 2015 1029 0 0 513 DaqLogSummary
151 WebStatistics
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Feb 2015 520 0 0  97 DataReconstructionStatus
 55 WebStatistics
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Mar 2015 585 0 0 130 WebStatistics
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Apr 2015 635 3 1 105 WebStatistics
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May 2015 367 0 0  66 FIRST
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Jun 2015 209 0 0  29 FIRST
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Jul 2015 764 0 0 216 DaqLogSummary
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Aug 2015 1116 0 0 371 DaqLogSummary
124 SimulationSoftware
100 FirstPapers
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Sep 2015 529 0 0 219 DaqLogSummary
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Oct 2015 678 2 1  81 WebStatistics
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  3 AlessioSarti
Nov 2015 677 0 0 288 DaqLogSummary
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Dec 2015 1390 0 0 474 DaqLogSummary
222 WebStatistics
119 SimulationSoftware
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Jan 2016 849 0 0 296 DaqLogSummary
129 WebStatistics
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Feb 2016 326 0 0  97 DaqLogSummary
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Mar 2016 770 0 0 179 DaqLogSummary
129 WebStatistics
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Apr 2016 517 0 0  91 DaqLogSummary
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May 2016 513 0 0 180 DaqLogSummary
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Jun 2016 494 0 0 195 DaqLogSummary
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Jul 2016 625 0 0 148 FIRST
131 WebStatistics
125 DaqLogSummary
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Aug 2016 1037 0 0 159 DaqLogSummary
159 WebStatistics
139 DataReconstructionStatus
109 SimulationSoftware
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Sep 2016 355 0 0  97 DataReconstructionStatus
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Oct 2016 784 0 0 157 DaqLogSummary
151 DataReconstructionStatus
113 WebStatistics
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Nov 2016 469 0 0 100 DataReconstructionStatus
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Dec 2016 295 0 0  50 DataReconstructionStatus
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Jan 2017 211 0 0  32 FIRST
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Feb 2017 485 0 0 100 DaqLogSummary
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Mar 2017 1270 0 0 301 DaqLogSummary
203 WebStatistics
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Apr 2017 1012 0 0 309 DaqLogSummary
176 WebStatistics
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May 2017 754 0 0 161 DaqLogSummary
148 WebStatistics
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Jun 2017 842 0 0 149 WebStatistics
147 DaqLogSummary
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Jul 2017 714 0 0 161 WebStatistics
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Aug 2017 682 0 0 133 WebStatistics
126 DaqLogSummary
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Sep 2017 938 0 0 282 DaqLogSummary
121 OnlinePage
102 WebStatistics
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Oct 2017 2655 0 0 1492 DaqLogSummary
247 OnlinePage
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Nov 2017 6965 0 0 5277 DaqLogSummary
332 OnlinePage
195 SimulationSoftware
119 WebSearch
115 WebStatistics
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Dec 2017 3000 0 0 516 SimulationSoftware
391 OnlinePage
300 ReconstructionCode
187 TriggerReconstructionSoftware
150 FirstGeometry
136 DataQuality
112 DaqLogSummary
109 WebPreferences
100 FirstPapers
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Jan 2018 3733 0 0 656 SimulationSoftware
468 OnlinePage
428 ReconstructionCode
328 DataQuality
196 FirstGeometry
183 TriggerReconstructionSoftware
153 FirstPapers
127 DaqLogSummary
120 BeamReconstructionSoftware
115 TechnicalDrawings
Feb 2018 2346 0 0 450 DataQuality
297 SimulationSoftware
251 ReconstructionCode
234 OnlinePage
105 DaqLogSummary
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Mar 2018 2863 0 0 1127 DataQuality
207 DaqLogSummary
205 ReconstructionCode
155 TechnicalDrawings
149 OnlinePage
135 TriggerReconstructionSoftware
123 WebStatistics
114 FirstPapers
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Apr 2018 3142 0 0 1631 DataQuality
330 DaqLogSummary
148 TriggerReconstructionSoftware
115 WebStatistics
114 FirstPapers
102 OnlinePage
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May 2018 2344 0 0 1145 DataQuality
227 WebSearch
182 DaqLogSummary
118 WebStatistics
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Jun 2018 2763 0 0 1326 DataQuality
805 WebSearch
115 DaqLogSummary
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 37 FirstGeometry
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Jul 2018 1995 0 0 1251 DataQuality
137 DaqLogSummary
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Aug 2018 1841 0 0 933 DataQuality
225 DaqLogSummary
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 46 TriggerReconstructionSoftware
 40 DataReconstructionStatus
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Sep 2018 1083 0 0 450 DataQuality
107 DaqLogSummary
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Oct 2018 1832 0 0 1084 DataQuality
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Nov 2018 2491 0 0 1345 DataQuality
296 DaqLogSummary
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Dec 2018 1294 0 0 664 DataQuality
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Jan 2019 1401 0 0 474 DataQuality
141 DaqLogSummary
107 WebStatistics
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Feb 2019 894 0 0 267 DataQuality
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Mar 2019 684 0 0 137 DataQuality
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Apr 2019 851 0 0 181 DataQuality
170 WebSearch
 74 WebStatistics
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 15 DAQInstructions
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 13 SoftMeet26Jan11
May 2019 1223 0 0 367 DataQuality
 82 DaqLogSummary
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Jun 2019 842 0 0 160 DaqLogSummary
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Jul 2019 993 0 0 185 WebSearch
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Sep 2019 1018 0 0 166 DaqLogSummary
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Nov 2019 761 0 0 126 FIRST
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Dec 2019 1506 0 0 909 WebSearch
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Jan 2020 478 0 0  70 FIRST
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Feb 2020 458 0 0  75 FIRST
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Mar 2020 1049 0 0 390 WebSearch
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Apr 2020 544 0 0  79 DaqLogSummary
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May 2020 688 0 0 141 WebSearch
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Jul 2020 1204 0 0 159 DaqLogSummary
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Aug 2020 1325 0 0 155 WebStatistics
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Oct 2020 960 0 0 348 WebSearch
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Nov 2020 286 0 0  48 FIRST
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Dec 2020 263 0 0  59 FIRST
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Jan 2021 917 0 0 130 DaqLogSummary
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Feb 2021 956 0 0 178 DaqLogSummary
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Mar 2021 698 0 0  74 SimulationSoftware
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Apr 2021 920 0 0 129 DaqLogSummary
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May 2021 1389 0 0 252 DaqLogSummary
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Jun 2021 1215 0 0 144 DaqLogSummary
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Jul 2021 379 0 0  71 WebSearch
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Aug 2021 386 0 0  54 FIRST
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Sep 2021 421 0 0  61 FIRST
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Oct 2021 835 0 0  81 DaqLogSummary
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Nov 2021 548 0 0  60 FIRST
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Dec 2021 465 0 0  53 FIRST
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Jan 2022 765 0 0  80 SimulationSoftware
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Feb 2022 741 0 0  78 SimulationSoftware
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Mar 2022 627 0 0  72 SimulationSoftware
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Apr 2022 734 0 0  80 SimulationSoftware
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May 2022 511 0 0  42 FIRST
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Jun 2022 444 0 0  35 FIRST
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Jul 2022 428 0 0  30 FIRST
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Aug 2022 405 0 0  41 FIRST
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Sep 2022 821 0 0  74 DaqLogSummary
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Oct 2022 424 0 0  51 FIRST
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Nov 2022 1040 0 0 572 TechnicalDrawings
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Dec 2022 830 0 0 416 ReconstructionSoftware
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Jan 2023 1015 0 0 134 FIRST
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Feb 2023 296 0 0  42 FIRST
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Mar 2023 391 0 0  66 SimulationSoftware
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Apr 2023 751 0 0  88 FIRST
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May 2023 400 0 0  56 FIRST
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Jun 2023 400 0 0  74 SimulationSoftware
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Jul 2023 454 0 0  83 SimulationSoftware
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Aug 2023 512 0 0  41 SimulationSoftware
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Sep 2023 356 0 0  43 FIRST
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Oct 2023 568 0 0  54 FIRST
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Nov 2023 572 0 0  51 SimulationSoftware
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Dec 2023 394 0 0  44 SimulationSoftware
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Jan 2024 523 0 0  48 FIRST
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Feb 2024 423 0 0  73 FIRST
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Mar 2024 755 0 0  95 SimulationSoftware
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Apr 2024 2343 0 0 691 FIRST
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May 2024 2183 0 0 1018 WebSearch
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Jun 2024 803 0 0  72 FIRST
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Jul 2024 1035 0 0 149 SimulationSoftware
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Aug 2024 569 0 0  68 SimulationSoftware
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Sep 2024 655 0 0  84 SimulationSoftware
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Oct 2024 998 0 0 176 SimulationSoftware
101 DaqLogSummary
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Nov 2024 839 0 0  73 SimulationSoftware
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Dec 2024 1509 0 0 172 DaqLogSummary
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Jan 2025 945 0 0 157 DaqLogSummary
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Feb 2025 582 0 0 125 DaqLogSummary
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