Systematics page

Reference data/MC sample

SVN revision 1600 was used to run against data and MC.
  • MC sample: prod v212 under lustre: single channels are masked.
  • Data sample: prod v97 under lustre: single channels are masked.
A new version of the default result has been obtained by taking apart the clustering and the scoring functions.

  • MC sample: prod v219
  • Data sample: prov v106

Systematics table

CheckAmount of changeSignificanceMC sampleData sampleTeamNotes
TOF global position shift (x,y,z) (1,3,10) cm AV
TOF Relative X position shift F/R 1 cm performed using default v212 ntuples Production v103 (+1cm) and v104 (-1cm) AV Checked only on data.
TOF Energy scale (For ZID? Eloss?) AM
TOF Single Channel slats disable/enable Resubimtted Full (prod v213) Resubmitted full (prod v98) AV Modified inside TATactNtu {Raw,MC}.cxx the apply_singlechcal flag.
TOF PEdestals within errors AV
TOF Threshold energy for efficiency AV
ALADIN position (xyz) (10,10,5) cm AV
ALADIN current 2% AV
VTX positioning AM
VTX reconstruction algorithms Resubmitted full v216,v217 (change of tracking and vertexing algos) Resubmitted full v101,v102 (change of tracking and vertexing algos) AM
MUSIC position/tilt AV
VTX-TOF scoring algorithm (charge/DeltaY) Resubimtted Full (prod v214) Resubmitted full (prod v99) AM
VTX fragmentation checks performed using default v212 ntuples performed using default v97 ntuples AM
Pileup checks AM
BM matching of vtx Resubmitted Full (prod v215) Resubmitted full (prod v100) AM
Clustering: enabled/disabled

Resubimtted Full (prod v214).

Clustering only is performed in prod v218. [to be debugged]

Real clustering only implemented in prod v220.

Tested inversion of Charge and DY weights in prod v221.

Resubmitted full (prod v99).

Clustering only is performed in prod v105. [to be debugged]

Real clustering only implemented in v107

Tested inversion of Charge and DY weights in prod v108.
Using only F or R for reconstruction AM
PDFs modeling [fit level] performed using default v212 ntuples Performed using v97 ntuples.
-- AlessioSarti - 14 Oct 2014
Topic revision: r8 - 2014-12-01, AlessioSarti
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