You are here: GSI Wiki>FIRST Web>WebRss (2004-08-16, PeterThoeny)Edit Attach
GSI Wiki's FIRST web The FIRST web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web-Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World. en-us Copyright 2025 by contributing authors GSI Wiki Administrator [] The contributing authors of GSI Wiki GSI Wiki GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH.FIRST FirstPapers Page with documentation of FIRST experiment Publications and Presentations at conferences Published Papers 2012 * JINST:: Performance of upstream interaction... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2015-10-29T10:50:31+01:00 a.sarti FirstpaperSystematics Systematics page Reference data/MC sample SVN revision 1600 was used to run against data and MC. * MC sample: prod v212 under lustre: single channels are mas... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2014-12-01T12:31:34+01:00 a.sarti ToF ToF Wall page. Current actions * Check the pedestals run by run * Check the difference in the RAW light scaling btw Sweep runs and production runs * Fix... (last changed by MarcoToppi) 2014-05-02T12:21:33+02:00 m.toppi WebHome TWiki of the FIRST Collaboration This is a web based collaboration area for the FIRST experiment (Fragmentation of Ions Relevant for Space and Therapy) . Public... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2014-02-06T23:38:51+01:00 a.sarti ReconstructionSoftware Home Page of the Reconstruction Software for the FIRST experiment This is the home page of the software reconstruction of the FIRST experiment Getting an Account... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2014-02-06T23:37:07+01:00 a.sarti DataReconstructionStatus Home Page of the Data and MC samples Reconstruction Status Page documenting the status of the data reconstruction Data storage Data is kept * on tape: retriev... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2014-02-06T23:31:10+01:00 a.sarti ReconstructionCode Web page of the FIRST experiment reconstruction software Before starting The code is developed in C . It has been tested on several different linux platforms. Yo... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2013-10-16T10:22:27+02:00 a.sarti HighlevelReconstruction Web page of the FIRST experiment reconstruction software Before starting The code is developed in C . It has been tested on several different linux platforms. Yo... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2013-01-28T12:54:07+01:00 a.sarti RootTutorial GSI ROOT Tutorial home page Hands on session to use ROOT for First analysis. I do assume here that you already want trough the ROOT basics tutorial. The code for... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2012-12-14T15:30:33+01:00 a.sarti SimulationSoftware Simulation Software This is the home page of the simulation software for the FIRST Experiment. You can find details on the simulation code, event samples produced... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2012-10-30T12:22:40+01:00 a.sarti FirstGeometry Home Page of the FIRST geometry All the detectors CENTER positions are assumed to be referred to an ideal BOX that contains the whole detector and measure the pos... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2012-08-04T17:04:23+02:00 a.sarti DataQuality Home Page of the Data Quality Page documenting the status of the data quality studies Data documentation Documentation has been recorded in the electronic logboo... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2012-06-20T18:04:45+02:00 a.sarti BeamReconstructionSoftware Home Page of the Beam Monitor Reconstruction Software for the FIRST experiment This is the home page of the software for the Beam Monitor reconstruction of the FI... (last changed by AlessioBocci) 2012-05-01T21:48:03+02:00 AlessioBocci TechnicalDrawings Technical Drawings Techical drawings and Survey Report. Tech drawings * ASSY_1_d.pdf: Tech Drawing IR * ASSY_Gen_1_Rev_D_Sheet_1.pdf: Tech Drawing IR (II) ... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2012-01-31T21:54:30+01:00 a.sarti OnlinePage Page with online instructions for data decoding for the FIRST experiment shifters This page contains the data decoding instructions and details for running and an... (last changed by ChristianFinck) 2011-11-15T15:17:18+01:00 c.finck TriggerReconstructionSoftware Home Page of the Trigger Reconstruction Software for the FIRST experiment This is the home page of the software for the Trigger reconstruction of the FIRST experi... (last changed by AlessioSarti) 2011-11-09T23:22:31+01:00 a.sarti

Topic revision: r2 - 2004-08-16, PeterThoeny
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