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Home Page of the Beam Monitor Reconstruction Software for the FIRST experiment

This is the home page of the software for the Beam Monitor reconstruction of the FIRST experiment

Data Analysis Team

  • M. Alvarez
  • A. Bocci
  • J. P. Fernandez Garcia
  • M. C. Morone
  • V. Patera
  • A. Sarti

Analysis Tasks

  • Calibration of Space Time relations
  • Tracking algorithm
  • Efficiencies calculation
  • Integration with Vertex Software


I have finished the reprocessing of the overall datasample in order to calibrate the BM on a run per run basis. The calibration files, that now are HUGE, cannot be stored under svn anymore. So I had to copy them under lustre and I am writing this email to document the actions that you have to take in order to USE the calibrations in your processing.

  • the file where the calib files are defined is under config/file_stlist_FIRST.txt [l0reco project]
this file now points to the correct files:
    • spline_First_all_st0.root
    • spline_First_all_st2.root
    • spline_First_all_st4.root
    • spline_First_all_st6.root
    • spline_First_all_st1.root
    • spline_First_all_st3.root
    • spline_First_all_st5.root
    • spline_First_all_st7.root
    • spline_First_all_st8.root
Those spline files are kept under /lustre/bio/first/calib/
  • so to use this new calibration in your processing you have to
-> COPY those files FROM /lustre/bio/first/calib/ to the config/ directory in your work area /first/rec/trunk/l0reco ) If you do not have the files in config/ but you'd like to keep them elsewhere, you just have to change the path in config/file_stlist_FIRST.txt) c) the calibrations are for ALL the production runs processed so far [the ones that you usually find UNDER production_root, reprocessed]. If you need a custom calibration for any other production run JUST ask me and I'll provide the necessary calibrations.

I am going to produce the v18 files with everything calibrated today. They will show up under /SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root in the next hours and I'll take care of backup them under lustre.

Data Taking Configuration

Summary of tests done on BM are kept here (thanks to Mitico!)

Online Page


===== BEAM MONITOR =====
x measurement done by wires 1-18:
first plane  x<0 (wire 1); x=0+ (wire 2); x>0 (wire 3)
y measurement done by wires 19-36:
first plane y<0 (wire 19 ); y=0+ (wire 20); y>0 (wire 21)

X 9             TDC3 91
X 1-4           TDC3 92-95
X 5-8           TDC4 96-99
TDC4 100 --> hole
X 10-18         TDC4 101-109
Y 19-20         TDC4 110-111
Y 21-36         TDC4 112-127


Efficiency Quest.

Run 400.

interesting events: 20,21,22, 24,25,26

event chi2 top side comments
0 26 plane 4 and plane 5 miscalib plane5 inefficient , plane 2 miscalib SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
1 1.83   side view: plane 3 2h well fitted, plane 5 2h in wrong place
2 0.54 plane 1 2h, OK well fitted plane 6 2h, OK well fitted
4 6.49   miscalib plane 5
5 6.02 plane 4 2h OK well fitted plane 3 2h OK well FITTED
6 0.1 2h, OK well FITTED 2h OK well FITTED
7 13.22 plane 2 2h OK well fitted plane 5 WRONG FITTED IT'S OK
8 11.17   plane 5 inefficient
9 NOT FITTED NOT FITTED. plane 1 2h cbs many multiple h, cbs NOT FITTED
10 23 !   plane 4, 2h OK well fitted - plane 2,5,6 miscalib SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
11 9.96 ! plane 3 miscalib plane 5 ineff IT'S OK
12 0.26 plane 5 2h OK well fitted planes 1-3 2h OK well fitted
13 9.1   plane 5 ineff
14 0.5   plane 3 2h OK well fitted, plane 5 ineff
15 2 plane 3, 2h OK well fitted plane 5 ineff
16 1.56 plane 2 2h OK well fitted, plane 3 no misc plane 5 ineff SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
17 20.53 plane 4 2h OK well fitted plane 5 and plane 6 miscalib SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
18 2 plane 1 2h OK well fitted OK!!!
19 2 plane 1 2h OK well fitted plane 4 ine
20 128 plane 5:: hit has to be removed!! plane 2 2h cbs, plane 4 force WRONG track! SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
22 17   plane 1, 2h OK well fitted, plane 5 ineff
24 15 seems ok plane 1 2h cbs plane 5 ineff SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
25 7.19 plane 2 2h OK well fitted plane 4 ineff plane 6 2h cbs SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
26 109 ok Wrong FIT driven by plane 5 SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
29 21   plane 1 : miscalib, plane 5 ineff
30 5 plane 6 2h OK well fitted plane 5 2h OK well fitted, plane 4 inefff
31 33 plane 1 2h well fitted plane 4 2h well fitted ...BUT MISCALIB SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE
32 27 plane 0 ineff plane 4 2h OK well fitted plane 4 ineff, plane 3,6 MISCALIB SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
33 4.94 2h OK well fitted plane 4 ineff
34 70 plane 4 2h OK well fitted plane 2 plane 6 2h OK fitted, plane 2-6 drive a WRONG FIT STILL PROBLEMS
35 173   plane 5 ineff, plane 5 force WRONG FIT SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
36 3 plane 1 2h OK well fitted plane 5 ineff
38 0.27   plane 3 2h OK well fitted
39 82 plane 4 2h Ok well fitted plane 5 ineff, plane 5 force WRONG FIT SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
40 120   plane 2,3,4 2h cbs - plane 5 ineff, plane 5 force WRONG FIT STILL PROBLEMS
41 45   plane 3 miscalib - plane 2 2h cbs - plane 2-6 force WRONG FIT SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
42 145 plane 3 2h MISCALIB,3 2h OK well fitted plane 3 miscalib - plane 2 2h cbs - plane 1-6 force WRONG FIT NOW IT'S OK!!
43 0.34   plane 4 2h well fitted OK, plane 5 ineff
44 15 OK but high chi2 plane 4 2h fitted MISCALIB plane 5 ineff, plane 2 MISCALIB
45 NO FIT plane 5,6 2h cbs - plane 1,2,3 miscal plane 2,4 2h cbs, plane 1,3,5 ineff STILL PROBLEMS
46 2 plane 5 2h OK well fitted
47 28 plane 3 miscalib plane 3 2h Miscalib, plane 5 ineff SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
48 49 plane 1 miscalib , plane 5 2h WRONG FITTED - plane 5 forced WRONG FIT plane 1 miscalib, 4 2h OK, plane 5 ineff NOW IT'S OK!!!
49 28 plane 2,4 miscalib plane 1,4 2h MISCALIB, plane 5 ineff SOLVED ELIMINATING AN HIT IN THE SIDE AND TOP
50 0.4  
51 7.55   plane 1,3 2h OK, plane 5 miscalib
52 2.3 plane 6 plane 5 ineff


Under macro/beam_monitor
  • T0dch_new.C : is used to produce a list of T0s to be used in the electronics offset removal. To run it use:
root -b  -q T0dch_new.C\(\"intput.root\"\)
  • STRelations_First.C :


T0s are kept in config/beammonitor_t0s.cfg and are in ns


  • beammonitor/tdc_ : RAW time of TDC hits connected to a given channel [filled in TABMactDatRaw.cxx]

   * All histograms in the following production runs are empty:
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0265_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0266_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0267_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0268_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0269_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0270_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0271_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0272_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0273_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0274_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0275_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0287_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0329_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0330_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0339_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0471_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0472_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0473_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file
/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_0479_v12bat_histo_vtx.root   zero file

/SAT/s/s371/PRODUCTION_root/production_Gold_0480_v12bat_histo_vtx.root zero file

In these runs the beam is shifted to the right:

run 228   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 228   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 228   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 229   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 229   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 229   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 300   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 300   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 300   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 301   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 301   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 302   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 304   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 304   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 305   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 306   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 307   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 308   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 331   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 331   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 331   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 332   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 332   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 332   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 333   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 333   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 333   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 334   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 334   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 334   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 335   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 335   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 335   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 336   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 336   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 336   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 337   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 337   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 337   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 338   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 338   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 338   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 340   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 340   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 340   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 341   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 341   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 341   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 342   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 342   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 342   plane 5      topwire= 15
 run 343   plane 1      topwire= 3
 run 343   plane 3      topwire= 9
 run 343   plane 5      topwire= 15

In this run the beam is shifted to the top:

run 295   plane 2      sidewire= 6
run 295   plane 4      sidewire= 12
run 295   plane 6      sidewire= 18

-- AlessioSarti - 13 Jul 2011
Topic revision: r18 - 2012-05-01, AlessioBocci - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 14:34.

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