26 Jan 2011 Meeting Minutes

General remarks

  • Concerning the Music/TofWall software status, in 1-2 weeks we'll be able to answer the question: Should we start from scratch?

Agreed basic building blocks

  • Code environment
    • Language: C++
    • Data Analysis: ROOT
    • Online monitoring: G04
    • MC output: ROOT files 'at the digested G04' level

0-L starting Point

Some urgent issues are:
  • Geometry, define a common standard. To be regarded as Top priority
  • Existing software (Music Tof Wall) understanding
Concerning ldm decoding:
  • Music - Tof wall needs to understand the G04 use. In the mean while other subdetector are assumed to go with G04 library implementation

Next weeks work

  • In 2-3 weeks (by 18 Feb.) the sub detectors need to provide a list of quantities needed from MC in order to run 0-L reconstruction
  • By 1st march: an overall FULL event will be produced by MC (T. Bohlen, V.Patera).
  • Reconvene @ end of march: 24 march, Rome.
  • In March: all sub detectors need to provide a list of 0-L objects produced as output: tracks, clusters....
  • In 2-3 weeks: ac ommon framework for the geometry implementation will be proposed/adopted: take what is used by Fluka (MC) and use it for the reconstruction. (A. Sarti, T. Bohlen)

Subdetector 'to do list' and contact persons

Beam monitor

  • Contactpersons: A. Sarti, V. Patera

0-L Software development + H-L integration with other softwares

Vertex reconstruction

  • Contactpersons: C. Fink, Till?
  • Urgent issues: Check geometry implementation / integration with MC (E. Spiriti), Provide 0-L quantities from MC, 0-L objects produced.


  • Contactpersons: Piernicola
  • Urgent issues: Check geometry implementation / integration with MC (P. Oliva), Provide 0-L quantities from MC, 0-L objects produced.


  • Contactpersons: T. Sfienti (supervisor), M. Arese, C. Schuy, S. Tropea, A. Bocci (Spain)
  • Urgent issues: Check geometry implementation / integration with MC, Understand existing code, Provide 0-L quantities from MC, 0-L objects produced.

Tof Wall

  • Contactpersons: R. Pleskac, Annan?
  • Urgent issues: Check geometry implementation / integration with MC (Radek), Understand existing code, Provide 0-L quantities from MC, 0-L objects produced.

High Level matching

  • Contactpersons: F. Romano, C. Morone, T. Bohlen, V. Patera (advisor), Miguel from end of March


  • Contactpersons: A. Sarti
  • Urgent issues: Proposal of common geometry implementation, Proposal / adoption of a common framework

-- AlessioSarti - 01 Mar 2011
Topic revision: r1 - 2011-03-01, AlessioSarti - This page was cached on 2024-10-16 - 20:43.

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