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Home Page of the Tof Wall calibration Data

Page documenting the data for tof calibration

Local Calibration

  • Files can be found both on SAT area and under lustre (tof_lmd directory)
  • Rootfiles are kept under tof_rootfiles directory.
  • The run-numbers from 3324 to 3348 have LOW thresholds and high rate
  • From run 3349 thresholds are rised to -17.6 mV
  • Runs 3360 to 3362 steerer back to nominal position.

file comments
test_beam_3331,2,3,4 Horizontal TOF wall Scan. From slat E to L
test_beam_3335 <-> 3346 Vertical TOF wall Scan. Took at the following points, corresponding to the following steerer tensions: 0,2,4,1,0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-1.5,-0.5,-1.73 (default)
test_beam_3348 Steerer -4 V, magnet off
test_beam_3349,50 Steerer -4 V, Making a sweeping run in x
test_beam_3351 Steerer -2 V, Making a sweeping run in x
test_beam_3352 Steerer -2 V, Making a sweeping run in x, no pedestal subtr.
test_beam_3360,61,62 Steerer 'nominal', Making a sweeping run in x, no pedestal subtr.
wedgerun_0266-0270 Making a sweep over the TW, hitting the wedge bar, from module A to L (Aladin I from -1200 A to 2500 A) - C@400A.MeV no target - for calibrating the PM walk (timing)
wedgerun_0271-0275 Making a sweep over the TW, without the wedge bar, from module A to L (Aladin I from -1200 A to 2500 A) - C@400A.MeV no target - for calibrating the ADC's

-- AlessioSarti - 13 Aug 2011
Topic revision: r3 - 2011-08-14, HannanYounis
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