Releases and Snapshots of the Timing System


A Timing Firmware Release packs together new features and requirements defined in our Development Road Map,
as well as bug-fixes from previous releases. Since a Timing Firmware Release should've been tested and integrated with the rest of the Control System:

  • Bug-fixes are going to be added to the Release Candidate during the integration and testing phase.
  • Release Support in Production. Problems in Production should be reproducible in our test system and be fixed.
    These bug-fixes will be presented in the next Snapshot or Release.

Release Cycle

Our release cycle is synchronized with the CSCO Development Road Map and follows the next steps:

  1. Development Version (Alpha) tested continuously in the Timing Test Facility wip
  2. Release Candidate tested in the Timing Test Facility
  3. Deployment of Release in Production


The Releases have a name where the first letter indicates the version order according to the alphabet:

Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry, Doomsday, Enigma , Fallout


A Timing Firmware Snapshot packs together the features needed for a particular user-case or particular system (e.g. CRYRING) and it doesn't go through a
completely firmware release cycle. You can see a firmware Snapshot as a Beta Version which is going to be tested in "production system" while
the development goes on, it means:
  • Best effort support. We can't guarantee that we will be able to reproduce reported bugs.
  • Bug-fixes are NOT going to be added to the Snapshot and rolled out. These bug-fixes will be included in the next Snapshot or Release.

Snapshot Cycle

The Snapshots complete a short development cycle:
  1. Snapshot Candidate tested in the Timing Test Facility
  2. Deployment in Production


The snapshots don't receive a name and are just completed with the month and year of their creation.

Releases and Snapshots

This includes hardware, gateware, firmware and software.

Timing Receivers including SCU

Data Master

Hardware and Release Compatibility Matrix

Form Factor Release 0Sorted descending Asterisk 18 Jan 2016 Balloon Cherry Doomsday Enigma Fallout
EXPLODER2C choice-yes choice-yes choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no
PEXARIA5A choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
SCU2 choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
VETAR2 choice-yes choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no
EXPLODER5A choice-no choice-no choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
SCU3 choice-no choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
SCU4 choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-yes
VETAR2A choice-no choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
tr-amc choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
tr-pmc choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-yes choice-yes choice-yes
PEXP choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-no choice-yes

-- DietrichBeck - 16 September 2020
Topic revision: r26 - 2020-09-30, dbeck
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