two ladders (GHFSEM1GL from below and GHFSEM1GR from top) for fixed plates,
a double wedge vor variable thickness (GHFSED4 from below and GHFSED5 from top)
two wedge shaped disks for variable angle (drive in / out = GTS3ED7DP), rotation still on extra controller.
Sorry, the two wedge-shaped plates and the two wedge-shaped disks are not yet integrated into the online calculator, use
EXCEL sheet
The key parts are:
On ladders:
2018 wedge-shaped plates from Hallstein&Heyl (AlMg3 rho = 2670 mg/cm3):
2 to 8 mm Al wedge "Keil-2": slope = 0.01691, deviaton from plane sigma_z = 30 um
2 to 18 mm Al wedge "Keil-2": slope = 0.01750, deviation from plane sigma_z = 6.2 um
Wedge-shaped disks:
2012 ion catcher degrader disks:
disk 1 (new from ESS): slope = 24.62 mg/cm3, center thickness= 482.2 mg/cm2
disk 2 ( from Kugler): slope = 24.68 mg/cm3, center thickness= 510.0 mg/cm2
Picture of Hallstein&Heyl plate from 2018 with dimensions: Picture of S4 degrader drives from 2012: Picture of S4 degrader ladders mounted in beam Nov 2019:Picture of disk controller Nov 2019 in front of gate to S4:
How to use:
Switch on (on back side)
starts in standby, press button [standby] (wait ~ 1min)
select [Home] in menue on screen
select axis-number = 0
select "absolut" motion
enter new value with number keys and press [valid]