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Results from Epics web retrieved at 05:40 (Local)

Applications HADES Magnet Control System MCS ... more see Project Page for details Status: ~50% Docker based EPICS IOC for ADC readout on Odroi...
__ Introduction Idea of C.Wendisch / HADES: Objektive: Readout 4 20mA current loop with a mini computer (e.g. RasperryPi, Odroid, ...) with an included docker ...
Projects of EPICS@GSI This list represents the current projects as an overview, therefore duplicate entries may occur. widespread tasks developments ...
__ Introduction This projects objective is the control of the slow control parameters of an APFEL ASIC with the HadCon2 controller board, which itself could b...
__ Introduction * CAEN A7585 * I²C controlled device * EPICS Control * StreamDevice based via * HadCon2 * I²C Implementation ......
__ Introduction Cables useful in the world of HadCon2 1 wire 1 wire Temperature Sensor DS18B20 RJ45 OwAdc1 HadCon2 JOWIO RJ45 OwAdc1 Main.Pe...
__ Introduction Sketch click to enlarge : Main.PeterZumbruch 2020 07 23
Introduction How to patch RJ45 cable of OwAdc1 with 1 wire sensor DS18BS20. Details Datasheet ...
HadCon 2 Documentation Documentation Technical Documentation of HadCon2 and its components Layout * Schematic (local copy) * top view assembly of...
__ Introduction * One Wire ADC is an application implemented inside the FPGA of the HadCon2 board. It can provide 6 ADC channels of 10bit resolution at 9,6kSp...
__ Introduction * One Wire ADC is an application implemented inside the FPGA of the HadCon2 board. It can provide 6 channel, max. 12bit ADC to be accessed by ...
__ Introduction HadCon2's FPGA based Waveform Generator which can be accessed via the HadCon2's Controls Api's Commands Documents Presentations * Waveform ...
r2 - 2014-02-27 - 00:51 by MichailPligouroudis
__ Introduction Projects Waveform Generator FPGA based 1 wire ADC How To Install Main.PeterZumbruch 18 Jul 2013
__ Introduction EPICS IOC based on StreamDevice to access HadCon2's Registers via the commands RGRE and RGWR for read and write. * The objective is to modi...
HadCon2 Introduction Introduction HadCon2 is a credit card sized general purpose I/O module for detector and experiment controls as well as for small data acq...
HadCon2 Modules Defined via unique FTDI ID: /sbin/udevadm info export db grep FTDI grep ID_SERIAL sort uniq HadCon2 Modules, first series Name...
Multi purpose control API implementation on HadCon2 Table of Content (short) Introduction Objective This project's objective is to...
__ Basic Operation Principles The basic operation principle is that * Any device communicates via the USB interface with the μController sending and receiv...
__ Introduction The command line to change hadcon2 usb communication settings stty Solution $ Main.PeterZumbruch 2017 11 30
__ Introduction Theoretical limits * The current firmwares (up to 4.6.2) all run at 10 MHz HadCon2 clock and have 115200 kBits/s at the UART with 8...
HadCon2 Protocol Protocol Main.PeterZumbruch 19 Feb 2016
__ Introduction Command descriptions of command = Api Basic Operation Principle * General Operation The = command set allows to talk to (severa...
__ Commands task command individual arguments common address arguments comment setDac APFEL 9 DAC value dac chipId pinSetId sid...
__ Introduction First Test Results from 16 Jan 2015 * programm uses inline functions. typical best measured "pre...
__ Logic Analyzer Results Summary (10 Oct 2015) typical "preHadCon2 Timings" ~ 104 Clock Timing T µs ...
HadCon2 Summary * Summarizing: * Microcontroller: ATMEL AT90CAN128 * I2C * CANbus * SPI * ADCs * ... *...
HadCon's and HadCon2's Software for/of Atmel Introduction This topic is used as an insert for HadConMultipurposeControlsApi and HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi si...
HadCon / HadCon2 Software Repositories Introduction This topic is used as an insert for HadConMultipurposeControlsApi and HadCon2MultipurposeControlsApi since bo...
HadCon Introduction Introduction HadCon is a general purpose IO module for detector and experiment control as well as for small data acquisition systems. ...
Multi purpose control API implementation on HadCon Introduction Objective This projects' objective is to combine all existing HadCon (HADControl general purp...
__ Introduction Command description of the API command DAC for HadCon2. With the help of the DAC command, we could access directly the DAC peripheral output. D...
__ Introduction Command description of the API command I2C for HadCon2 . With the help of the I2C command, we could configure, write and read all I2C peripheria...
__ Introduction ​ Command description of the API command RGRE for HadCon2. With the help of the RGRE command, you could get the current status of every register ...
__ Introduction Command description of the API command RGWR for HadCon2 . With the help of the RGWR command, you could set every register on the mcu AT90CAN128 ...
__ Introduction Command descriptions of command == SPI Api Basic Operation Principle * General Operation The SPI command set allows to operate the Se...
(my personal) Documentation and Overview of HADES slow control system Coordination * Burkhard Kolb, GSI Links * HADES * Slow Control System of HADES ...
__ Introduction Tables listing the installed devices Devices \" edit)"}% HadCon2 modules Dreamplug computers *Dreamplug \ \ HADES net / GSI n...
HADES Slow Control: Hadcon2 Dreamplug based systems Introduction Description of the systems controlled via EPICS IOCs running on a dreamplug computer connect...
HADES I/O Box Note: this is just an internal, clipped copy of HADES I/O Box at the HADES wiki, used for documentation Introduction Based upon the HadCon2 ...
__ Introduction The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI uses a RICH (ring imaging cherenkov detector) for particle discrimination and (basic) tracking purposes. ...
__ Introduction The large scale HADES Experiment at GSI uses a RICH (ring imaging cherenkov detector) for particle discrimination and (basic) tracking purposes. ...
Hardware Platforms Architecture: ETRAX's CRIS by AXIS ... more see Cris Architecture Page Status: completed (host:x86); documentation:50% : Plugcom...
HOWTO: setup HADES IOC to start at reboot Objective “When switching on or in case of a hardware reset of the system the IOC is running on, the IOC should be (...
OWADC1 1 wire 8 channel ADC board Introduction OWADC1 is a small, compact board designed by M.Traxler and S.Voltz (GSI/EE) to provide an 8 channel, max. 1...
Publishing Details Publisher: PeterZumbruch Date: 30 May 2016 14:35 Dir: /var/lib/foswiki/pub/publish/ URL: Web(s): Ep...
__ Introduction In the case of the Keithley 2000 Digital Voltmeter, we saw that a Windows device could easily communicate via the RS 232 Interface using SCPI com...
udev/udevadm dynamic dev symbolic link and proper access rights Introduction Thanks to the literature research of M.Traxler and the inventors of udev/udeva...
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