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HadCon 2 Fpga Project 1 WADCold


  • One-Wire ADC is an application implemented inside the FPGA of the HadCon2 board. It can provide 6 channel, max. 12bit ADC to be accessed by One-Wire protocol.
  • It is a compact design since it uses only the FPGA and an external Low pass filter. There is no need for additional ICs for the protocol and the ADCs.
  • 3 different version will be supported:
    • 8bit resolution at 1MSPS -tested
    • 10bit resolution at 1KSPS -under construction
    • 12bit resolution at 10SPS -under construction



  • The connectors JMXOIO1 and JMXOIO2 of the HadCon2 board are used for all the external connections as shown at the following schematic.
  • Connectors pinnout:
    Connectors pinnout

Design Block Diagram

  • Block Diagram:

Low-Pass Filter

Filter for 1MSPS

  • For the 1MSPS we use the 3rd order RLC filter to produce the ramp waveform from the PWM. The frequency of the ramp signal is 500KHz. In order to have a satisfactory ramp wave we must use at least the 5 first harmonics (11*500KHz = 5.5MHz). We choose the cutoff frequency at Fc=5.5MHz. From the following equations we calculate the R-L-C values as it is at the schematic.
    Fc = 1 / 2*π*sqrt(L*C)
    Fc = 1 / 2*π*R*C
  • Filter schematic:
    LP Filter 1MSPS
  • Bode diagram:
    Bode diagram 0.5MHz ramp waveform
  • Filter's output waveform measurement:
    Ramp waveform measurement at 1MSPS

Filter for 1KSPS

  • RLC filter design ...
  • Filter's output waveform measurement:
  • Bode diagram:
  • Filter schematic:

Filter for 100SPS

  • RLC filter design ...
  • Filter's output waveform measurement:
  • Bode diagram:
  • Filter schematic:

FPGA Design

PLL component

  • The clock frequency of the Hadcon2 board is 10MHz. In order to have the maximum time resolution (2.5ns) for the the TDC we must use an internal PLL that can reach the frequensy of 400MHz. From the same PLL we can have a second frequency output at 200MHz that can be used for the PWM

PWM component

  • The PWM component is consisted of 2 different sub-components as you can see at the following picture. The “PWM_synchronisator” and the “PWM_waveform”.
    PWM component schematic

  • The first one produces signals that can synchronize the PWM waveform. Every time the duty cycle must be changed it produces a small pulse otherwise it remains at “Low”. In the same way, every time the duty cycle must be increased from 0% to 100% it remains at “High” and from 100% to 0% at “Low”.
    PWM waveform simulation

  • The main idea of this design is to produce the PWM waveform with the less FPGA usage. For this reason the waveform is produced only from a double 20bit shift register that it is shifted forward or backwards synchronously with the “DC_change” and “rise_fall_change” signals. The PWM waveform is produced in 24 steps of 10% duty cycle changes. The first 14 of them for increasing and the last 14 for decreasing duty cycle.

TDC component

Decoder component

EEPROM component

One-Wire Protocol

Principle of Operation



  • currently under development
  • ...

Documents & Presentations

-- PeterZumbruch - 19 Jul 2013 -- MichailPligouroudis - 16 Aug 2013
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
BLOCK_DIAGRAM.jpgjpg BLOCK_DIAGRAM.jpg manage 60 K 2013-07-20 - 20:10 UnknownUser Block_Diagram
Connectors.jpgjpg Connectors.jpg manage 86 K 2013-07-28 - 20:23 UnknownUser Connectors pinnout
PWM_component_schematic.jpgjpg PWM_component_schematic.jpg manage 116 K 2013-08-16 - 16:26 UnknownUser PWM component schematic
PWM_simulation.jpgjpg PWM_simulation.jpg manage 49 K 2013-08-16 - 17:39 UnknownUser PWM waveform simulation
bodediagram1MSPS.jpgjpg bodediagram1MSPS.jpg manage 165 K 2013-07-25 - 20:18 UnknownUser Bode diagram 0.5MHz ramp waveform
rampwaveform1MSPS.bmpbmp rampwaveform1MSPS.bmp manage 146 K 2013-07-26 - 13:49 UnknownUser Ramp waveform measurement at 1MSPS
rampwaveform1MSPS.jpgjpg rampwaveform1MSPS.jpg manage 47 K 2013-08-19 - 21:35 UnknownUser Ramp waveform measurement at 1MSPS
Topic revision: r15 - 2014-01-30, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 09:57.

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