DABC News 2015 17.11.2015 Production release 2.9.0 Major new features: * libDabcHadaq * support of UDP packets sorting, enables use of TRB3 with two Et...
Welcome to the Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC This is the public Wiki, the official site is News The mission Repository Main.LinevSergey 20 Jul 201...
The repository of DABC DABC is managed by SVN repository. Url of repository is https://subversion.gsi.de/dabc . Repository open for reading. Checkout from re...
Installing DIM on Lynx Build on Linux DIM v15r01 Makefile coupled mthreads switch with endian! This is wrong. ARCH=INTEL resulted in little endian (PC) and mt...
CBM readout controller The ROC board designed for readout of nXYTER frontend. DABC provides communication layer to ROC, which includes UDP based and Optic based t...
Java GUI Some Java helps: Hints, internals GUI jar file The jar file of the gui is ...dabc/gui/java/packages/xgui.jar. Setup files There are three setup files u...
Comments to build DIM on Linux Build on Lynx Current version is dim_v19r3 Since DIM version v18 the memory leak in the java interface has been fixed. To build t...
Modifications 4.9.09 goofy/v51/src to mbs/v51/src * f_cmd.c : printout command line * f_dim_server.c : minor bug fixes * f_pr_reset.c : killing order of ...
MBS Support MbsImplementation Steps to upgrade MBS as DABC data channel. MbsDataFormats New structures for MBS data. MbsFileFormat New LMD file format. File A...
MBS upgrade for DABC To have minimal changes, we use standard collector and transport. Two different changes must be done: 1. Increased buffer size support This...
In Java source code: package a.b.c; means sources are in $SOURCEPATH/a/b/c/*.java and classes in $CLASSPATH/a/b/c/*.class javac sourcepath SOURCEPATH classpat...
Controlling DABC Screen shots of Java GUI XDAQ classes for configuration and control Overview of the XDAQ adapter classes between dabc core, DIM and XDAQ infosp...
Lean Implementation of new LMD file format DABC.MbsDataFormats Usage of buffer header A special buffer header is used as file header. Important fields like word...
Data element structures All structures are defined independent on endianess. When bytes must be swapped, always 4 bytes are swapped. Fields 8 bytes long must be h...
ROC readout in DABC Changes in Knut library 1. Correct calculation of "gap" between lost packets 1. New ptherad_condition in SysCoreBoard class to be used ...
The Data Acquisition Backbone Core (DABC) Design overview Role and functionality of the objects 1. All processing code runs in dabc::Modules. There are two ...
Dim Introduction DIM is a light weight communication protocoll based on publish/subscribe mechanism. Servers publish named services (commands or parameters) to a ...
DABC device and transport classes for PCIe DABC classes for PCIe transport of Active Buffer Board (ABB). Used mprace classes are green, dabc framework classes ...
The Active Buffer Board (ABB) as example of a PCI device in DABC Description of the board The ABB is developed by Institut f. Technische Informatik at Uni Mannhe...
Example of user panel and monitor Ca 300 LOC! Interface to be implemented by application public interface xiUserPanel public abstract void init(xiDesktop deskto...
XDAQ run environment classes for DABC We use the XDAQ framework for the general set up and controls of the DABC applications. Natively, XDAQ provides configuratio...
IEEE Real Time Conference 2007 (Poster presented, paper accepted by IEEE) For the new experiments at FAIR like CBM new concepts of data acquisition systems have t...
Batch file for Windows set HOST= set USER=%USERNAME% set DIM_DNS_NAME= set CLASSPATH=; dim path /classes; gui jar file set PATH=; dim path /bin java xgui.xGui T...
DABC threads tests, November 14 This is more generic tests with treads and DABC. BNet prototype One can distribute different BNet modules over different number...
DABC tests, July 10 This is first performance tests, done with DABC framework. For the moment we are using our 4 nodes InfiniBand cluster, where verbs and socket...
New LMD file format Large buffers With increased buffers the file format does not change. A few modifications have to be done in f_evt where i_used is checked (g...
DABC The discussions about DAQ systems for FAIR experiments started in 2004 supported by the FutureDAQ project. As a most challenging experiment, CBM requirements...
DABC Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the DABC web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and can be overwritt...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this DABC web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to com...