Modifications 4.9.09 goofy/v51/src to mbs/v51/src
- f_cmd.c : printout command line
- f_dim_server.c : minor bug fixes
- f_pr_reset.c : killing order of tasks
- f_tr_write_filhe.c : comment
- f_ut_cmd_thread.c : "command finished" message modified
- f_ut_op_trig_mod.c : printout of commands only to TTERM
- m_collector.c : Changed flush from signal to thread
- m_dispatch.c : Comment typo
- m_read_meb.c : tab
- m_transport.c : indent
-, : output to /dev/null
- goofy51-mbs51.txt: Diff goofy v51 to MBS v51 (C sources only)
- No changes in includes
Changes of C are committed to repository /tags/v51 4.9.2009 (rev 86)
Changes of sc are committed to repository /tags/v51 5.1.2010 (rev 87)
- Makefile
- m_ar
- m_to
- m_rirec
- m_esone_serv
- m_event_serv
- m_dispatch
- wsv51-100107.txt: Diff goofy v51 to tags/v51/src (left is old)
Changes of C are committed to repository /tags/v51 5.2.2010 (rev 88/89)
Release notes v5.1
- m_rirec.c
- m_transport.c
- m_dim_status.c
- m_stream_serv.c
- m_read_meb.c
- m_wait_for.c
- m_event_serv.c
- m_ar.c
- f_cmd.c
- f_tr_write_filhe.c
- m_dr.c
- f_pr_reset.c
- Makefile
- m_esone_serv.c
- m_prompt.c
- m_msg_log.c
- f_ut_cmd_thread.c
- f_ut_op_trig_mod.c
- m_ds.c
- m_to.c
- m_collector.c
- f_dim_server.c
- m_dispatch.c
- m_util.c
- cmd.xml
- dimsetup
- mbscom.cdf
- s_daqst.h
- f_dim_server.h
HansEssel - 16 Apr 2010