CBM readout controller

The ROC board designed for readout of nXYTER frontend. DABC provides communication layer to ROC, which includes UDP-based and Optic-based transport. DABC is integrated in ROClib.

AVnet board

This interface board provides possibility to communicate with ROC over Optic. DABC uses pcidriver and mprace library to access the board functionality. Now this is also part of ROClib.

SPADIC board

USB-based readout of SPADIC chip. Used for detectors tests. Also integrated in ROClib while in some setups SPADIC and nXYTER frontend used together.

PEXOR board

This is another example of connection to PCIe board from DABC.

-- LinevSergey - 26 Jan 2011
Topic revision: r4 - 2011-01-26, LinevSergey
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