Validity of Document and Definitions

[This section was moved out of the main document to improve readability and overview - JPO Jun2012]

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This software requirements specification document describes the functionality of the new TASCA Control System.

This document is written and modified by the TCS group, only.

Since software architecture and detaild design be be based on this document, it must be reviewed!

Definitions of terms and abbreviations

ACC Accelerator
DAQ Data Acquisition
DSM Distributed System Manager
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GUI Graphical User interface
HDV Historical Data Viewer
HW Hardware
IL Interlock
LabVIEW Laboratory Virtual Engineering Workbench, a programming plattform invented by NI
MAX Measurement and Automation Explorer
MBS Multi Branch System; Standard GSI data acquisition system
MKS Instrument of company MKS controlling gas flow and pressure
MIL-Bus Field bus with realtime capabilities used in the accelerator control system
MP Macro pulse
NI National Instruments
NODAL Software interface to the accelerator control system
PSP Publisher-Subscriber Protocol
PV Process Variable
RIO Reconfigurable Input Output based on FPGA
RTC Recoil Transport Chamber includes MKS
SCADA Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition
SV Shared Variable; Network Variable using NI-PSP
SW Software
TCS TASCA Control System
TDM(S) Technical Data Management (Streaming), data format favored by NI
TTL Transistor-Transistor-Logik
TW Target Wheel
UI User interface
UXFVV1S Fast shutting valve Unilac
UXIVV1S Fast shutting valve Unilac
VI Virtual Instrument: main program or function block within LabVIEW

Relationship with other documents

This document is the result of following documents:

-- JonPetterOmtvedt - 19 Jun 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 2012-06-19, JonPetterOmtvedt - This page was cached on 2025-02-14 - 09:34.

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