You are here: GSI Wiki>Tasca Web>TascaControls>UTCSP>TcsSwReqSpec>TCSOtherFeatures (2012-06-19, JonPetterOmtvedt)Edit Attach

Other Required Control System Features

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  1. Performance
    1. All signals concering the interlock system are connect to and processed within a FPGA based LabVIEW VI. The interlock is generated with 10ms
    2. The update rate of GUI elements is about 1 Hz.
    3. Data- and Log-file entries are generated with about 1 Hz.
  2. Resource
  3. Security
    1. The TCS is operated in the UNILAC Messstation .
    2. LabVIEW DCS security will be used to provide different access levels. It is meant for self-protectetion, to avoid accidental usage.
      1. Guest: Everybody is allowed to monitor/view the system status.
      2. Operator: Shift personnel is allowed to operate the TCS in standard mode.
      3. Engineer: Shift leader or system expert is allowed to modify configuration.
      4. Expert: System expert is allowed to operate the system in manual mode.
      5. Administrator: The TCS administrator is allowed to add user and modifa user permissions.
    3. GUI's for remote monitoring can connect to TCS from GSI computers. No remote control is allowed. If monitoring from location outside GSI is necessary, the standard methods to dial into GSI must be used.
  4. Safety
    1. In case an interlock condition is fullfilled the chopper must be switched before the next macro pulse (10ms).
      1. The target must be protected at all times! Destroing the target leads to radioactive contaminiation!
      2. The detector must be protected at all times!
        1. Dipole magnet steering the main beam to the beam dump must be monitored.
      3. If the separator is operated in hydrogen mode, additional interlock conditions must be monitored.
  5. Portability
    1. The portability of the devicxe layer is restricted to Windows due to the support of device drivers.
    2. The GUI could be designed to work on all plattforms that support LabVIEW and Shared Variables.
  6. Reliability
  7. Maintenance
    1. All LabVIEW VI's are using the same version.
    2. All LabVIEW VI's comply with the NI development guidelines.
    3. All sources are part of source code control.
      1. Since the developers are working at distributed locations it is a good idea to use Git.
      2. Of course the already exisiting Subversion infrastructure at GSI could be used.
  8. Reuse
    Reuse of software has low priority in the context of this project due to limited developemnt time.
  9. Usability

-- JonPetterOmtvedt - 19 Jun 2012
Topic revision: r1 - 2012-06-19, JonPetterOmtvedt
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