50 recent changes in TOS/Timing Web retrieved at 08:21 (Local)

Reports and Measurements This page serves to collect reports and measurements on the GMT. Booster Test * Timing events during 1st Booster Mode Test (2021 12 1...
r37 - 2024-04-22 - 07:44 by dbeck
Irradiation of Fibres at HHD Cave (SIS18 beam dump) Introduction For FAIR, timing sensitive equipment will be installed in the niches of SIS100. It might be poss...
r3 - 2024-04-22 - 07:44 by dbeck
Irradiation of Fibres at SIS18 Introduction For FAIR, timing sensitive equipment will be installed in the niches of SIS100. It might be possible, that fibres to ...
r9 - 2024-04-22 - 07:43 by dbeck
Timing Network Networks There are several instances of timing networks on the campus. * Productive * production: everything starting with the end of TK ...
r3 - 2024-04-22 - 07:42 by dbeck
Connection to EE Labor This is just a temporary document, to be replaced by some proper documentation. Note on calculating cable lengths The cable length has bee...
r6 - 2024-04-22 - 07:40 by dbeck
Description of the features for the UNILAC Datamaster This describes the planned features for the UNILAC datamaster. The features were presented at the Workshop U...
r4 - 2024-02-07 - 14:17 by mskorsky
How To: Check a FEC Introduction This How To describes how to check a FEC works properly with respect to features provided by the GMT. Test Plan This is just a ...
r11 - 2023-11-08 - 14:43 by dbeck
How To: saft uni Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose UNILAC operation. This tool is experimental! The standard tool saft ctl can of course be used. Ho...
r4 - 2023-10-27 - 10:21 by dbeck
Main.MichaelReese 14 Aug 2023 Device Driver Tutorial EB slave WB master over PCIe The goal is to write an Etherbone slave that controls a wishbone master on the ...
r2 - 2023-08-14 - 16:23 by mreese
Main.MichaelReese 15 Feb 2018 PCIe WB bridge direct access mode PCIe timing hardware where the PCIe bridge has been modified to support the "direct access mode" ...
r9 - 2023-06-12 - 09:28 by mreese
Run the ordinary and boundary clocks using linuxptp The linuxptp package is a PTPv2 implementation according to the IEEE 1588 standard for Linux. It includes the ...
r5 - 2022-12-16 - 17:19 by eochirs
How To: eb rest Introduction This tool has been written to easy 'reset of FPGA'. This cycles the FPGA and (re)loads the image from the flash to the FPGA. Use too...
r3 - 2022-11-04 - 09:49 by dbeck
Test the interoperability of the IEEE 1588 capable network adapters with the White Rabbit switches Introduction This report presents the interoperability between...
r2 - 2022-10-28 - 10:54 by eochirs
GHDL coupling to C via VHPI Motivation It is often useful to call into c libraries from within a VHDL simulation/testbench * because VHDL standard library is ...
r2 - 2022-10-20 - 11:04 by mreese
Etherbone Introduction The idea behind the EtherBone (EB) protocol is to extend the reach of the embedded Wishbone (WB) V4 System on a chip (SoC) bus system to r...
r4 - 2022-10-08 - 23:02 by dbeck
Install etherbone library on tsl101 server * login on acc8 dev cluster (e.g. asl751) and clone repo and checkout correct branch git clone https://github.com/GS...
NEW - 2022-09-07 - 11:07 by mreese
Synchronize the clock of non WR devices in the WR network 1. Introduction This document presents specific configurations of White Rabbit (WR) switches, which are...
NEW - 2022-06-02 - 15:22 by eochirs
WR PTP synchronization of WRS under excessive PTP and LLDP traffic 1. Introduction The White Rabbit (WR) technique is specially developed to provide sub nanose...
NEW - 2022-05-27 - 15:34 by eochirs
How To: eb console Set a static IP Timing receivers not connected to a bootp server require a static IP for full operation. This is to be set via the eb console ...
r2 - 2022-03-24 - 16:47 by mkreider
Use port mirroring on a WR switch (WRS) 1. Introduction Although port mirroring is supported by WRSs a corresponding command option is not documented in the user...
r3 - 2022-03-24 - 13:28 by eochirs
How To: Accessing ACO Frontends Using ACO Tools Introduction This how to is just intended as a primer for non specialists. Disclaimer: There are many, many possi...
r5 - 2022-03-23 - 11:39 by dbeck
Authentication of network nodes and assginment of virtual LAN using the White Rabbit switches 1. Introduction The 802.1x authentication standard is supported by ...
NEW - 2022-03-10 - 17:14 by eochirs
How To: Command Line Tools for Timing Receiver (including SCU) Introduction A set of command line tools is deployed and available on Front End Computers (FECs). ...
r25 - 2022-02-25 - 12:45 by dbeck
Deprecated HOW TOs This is just a unrevised collection of outdated or deprecated HOW TOs. Timing Receivers * Building and Installation * HOW TO: Instal...
r6 - 2022-01-14 - 15:16 by dbeck
Booster Test December 2021 TL;DR For 'booster mode': * timing the beam transfer from UNILAC to SIS18 works with ~98% efficiency, if rf conditioning at UNILAC ...
r6 - 2022-01-13 - 10:04 by dbeck
Booster Test November 2021 Introduction The so called 'Booster Mode' shall be used to accumulate beam from multiple SIS18 injections into SIS100 at a rate of abo...
r10 - 2021-12-22 - 10:26 by dbeck
Main.MathiasKreider 01 Dec 2021 Using snoop outputs for analysis of what's going on in the accelerator Purpose * One Thing * Lorem ipsum ... ...
NEW - 2021-12-02 - 10:33 by mkreider
How To: White Rabbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Betrieb Betrieb und Rufbereitschaft Kurzversion * keine Einstellungen fuer Betrieb notwendig * nach SCU Reset ...
r16 - 2021-11-18 - 18:11 by dbeck
White Rabbbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Introduction UNIPZ Figure: Most simplified view on UNIPZ (upper part). It is a combination of a Super UNIPZ and seven UNI...
r29 - 2021-11-17 - 12:13 by dbeck
Remote debugging of a running saft daemon with GDB It is possible to connect GDB to a running SCU, set breakpoints, step through the code, print variables, etc. T...
r2 - 2021-10-13 - 14:19 by mreese
Monitor local system time of a WRS via SNMP 1. Introduction WRS synchronises its local time with an external NTP server, if one is specified in CONFIG_NTP_SERVER...
NEW - 2021-09-24 - 13:09 by eochirs
PEXP Testing and Commissioning Guide Attention: This guide does not check the whole PCIe standard! Attention: This is NOT for FAT Required component...
r14 - 2021-03-26 - 10:40 by ahahn
Saftlib Latency Measurements During the startup of the accelerator in February 2021, issues have been observed with the so called function generator (FG): Occasio...
NEW - 2021-02-18 - 10:25 by dbeck
Reading the DM status To get an overview on whats running on a DM, you can get the basic status by issuing root@tsl017 ~ # dm cmd dev/wbm0 or root@tsl017 ~ # dm...
NEW - 2021-02-17 - 16:29 by mkreider
Documentation of Data Master Error Messages Parser Errors caused by faulty schedule data If any of the following error messages are reported to you or appear in ...
NEW - 2021-02-17 - 14:55 by mkreider
Sending Stuff from GSI Elsewhere THIS HOWTO IS DEPRECATED Requirements * ebiss Account @ GSI, see here * Account number ("Kostenstelle" or "Auftragsnumme...
r10 - 2021-01-29 - 16:44 by ameil
How To: TMIS Introduction TMIS (Timing Message Information Service) is a quick evaluation on distribution of timing messages via the ACC controls network. The ma...
r3 - 2021-01-25 - 20:27 by dbeck
Timing Messages: How To Snoop the Timing System News FEC for FESA class is now scuxl0143. Introduction This is a first simple solution to view what is going on ...
r10 - 2021-01-22 - 11:28 by schwinn
How To: Configuring and using Altera Ethernet Blaster to flash DM PRO * Download current gateware archive, unpack * Copy jic file to tmp directory on tsl021...
r2 - 2021-01-22 - 10:50 by mkreider
How To: Setting Up a Linux Box Intended usage: E Release For older releases please check out the history of this Wiki page. Introduction This how to describes se...
r5 - 2020-12-22 - 10:00 by dbeck
How To: saft ctl Introduction This tool is intended to diagnose the status saftlib and provide ECA related information of a timing receiver. Moreover one can do ...
r5 - 2020-12-10 - 12:03 by mreese
How To: saft dm Introduction This tool (saft dm: "saft Data Master") is intended to provide a primitive Data Master for local operations in the FEC. This tool mi...
r3 - 2020-12-10 - 12:00 by mreese
White Rabbit, BuTiS, Clocks and Time Introduction Two systems exist for distribution of time stamps and clocks: 1. The General Machine Timing System provides ...
r29 - 2020-11-19 - 13:41 by dbeck
Testing and Commissioning Guide for Pexaria5 Required components * Pexaria5 under test (named as P5UT in this guide) * PC with Intel Quartus (version 18...
NEW - 2020-10-07 - 11:56 by eochirs
Enigma Release (DEPRECATED) Previous releases are Asterisk, Balloon, Cherry and Doomsday. This release has been replaced by release Fallout. New Features and Bu...
r36 - 2020-10-01 - 16:45 by dbeck
Gateware and Firmware Gateware and firmware are provided with releases. * Gateware: synthesized (V)HDL code * Firmware: compiled code for the lm32 soft CPU ...
r8 - 2020-09-30 - 11:59 by dbeck
Releases and Snapshots of the Timing System Release A Timing Firmware Release packs together new features and requirements defined in our Development Road Map, ...
r26 - 2020-09-30 - 11:37 by dbeck
How To: LM32 Soft CPU Compiler Introduction This how to describes the status and how to build the compiler for the lm32 soft cpu. Links * on github (for be...
r5 - 2020-09-02 - 11:46 by dbeck
How To: Poor Man's (d, m, w) Path to Device Access Introduction This How To is not even a how to. Instead, it is just a collection of stuff required to develop a...
r14 - 2020-08-31 - 11:57 by dbeck
White Rabbit Switch Hardware 4.0 Overview This page summarizes the GSI requirements in context with the development of a new version of the White Rabbit Switch. ...
r3 - 2020-08-06 - 10:43 by dbeck
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