Irradiation of Fibres at HHD Cave (SIS18 beam dump)


For FAIR, timing sensitive equipment will be installed in the niches of SIS100. It might be possible, that fibres to the niches will be guided via the SIS100 itself. Those fibres must be radiation hard. In order to test fibres under a realistic conditions, we try to irradiate fibres directly under the extraction septum of SIS18 during 2014. The following type of fibre is irradiated. The fibre is connected to outside the cave using using non-radation hard (NRH). This allows measuring the attenuation and bit error rates in-situ and during beam operation.


600m of SRH fibre, fluorescent screen and converter (not shown) are mounted on movable supports and can be moved independently from each other.

Some Pictures

  • Installed fibre in HHD cave:

  • Fibres for irradiation (front):

  • fibres for irradiation (side):

  • Fibres with Alanine sensors:

  • Fibre:

-- DietrichBeck - 23 Jan 2014

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
IMG_20140117_095953.jpgjpg IMG_20140117_095953.jpg manage 112 K 2014-01-23 - 13:56 UnknownUser Fibre
IMG_20140117_111333.jpgjpg IMG_20140117_111333.jpg manage 123 K 2014-01-23 - 14:00 UnknownUser Fibres for irradiation (front)
IMG_20140117_111352.jpgjpg IMG_20140117_111352.jpg manage 104 K 2014-01-23 - 13:50 UnknownUser Fibres for irradiation (side)
IMG_20140117_111727.jpgjpg IMG_20140117_111727.jpg manage 156 K 2014-01-23 - 14:02 UnknownUser Installed fibre in HHD Cave
IMG_20140117_134454.jpgjpg IMG_20140117_134454.jpg manage 115 K 2014-01-23 - 14:04 UnknownUser Fibres with Alanine sensors
Topic revision: r3 - 2024-04-22, dbeck
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