Connection to EE-Labor

This is just a temporary document, to be replaced by some proper documentation.

Note on calculating cable lengths

The cable length has been calculated from the value of "Master-Slave Delay" given by wr_mon of a WR switch: velocity of light in fiber: 5170 ps/m .

The cable length from a node must be calculated using the values given by the gui of the wrpc shell. Here take
  1. Cable rtt delay (corresponds to value of "Master-Slave Delay given in wr_mon of a switch)
  2. add the value of the link delay
  3. divide by 2
  4. divide by the velocity of light in fibre.
Unfortunately, this does not give consistent results. So the values for the length given might be wrong be 20 per cent or so.

  • BG2 --> EE-Labor: 385m
  • BG2 --> PER: 398m
  • BG2 --> LSB6: 349m
  • cable drum : 2500m

Currently (29 August 2013), the EE-Labor has five connections to the timing network for testing of different scenarios

Direct connection (EE-Labor, ports 1 and 2): 385m

  • BG2 -> EE-Labor: Clock master switch, port 6, to splice box BG2<->EE-Labor, port 1
  • BG2 -> EE-LAbor: Clock master switch, port 7, to splice box BG2<->EE-Labor, port 2

This provides the most direct connection from BG2. One passage in the open air via the Transferkanal.

Direct connection with detour via LSB6 (EE-Labor, port 3): 349m + 349m + 385m (1083m)

  1. BG2 -> LSB6: Clock master switch, port3 --> splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 5
  2. LSB6 -> BG2: splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 5 --> splice box BG2 <-> LSB6, port 6 (just patched back directly)
  3. BG2 -> EE-Labor: splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 6 --> splice box BG2<->EE-Labor, port 3

This is a direct connection from the clock master (BG2) to the EE-Labor via a detour to LSB6. There are three passages in the open air via the Transferkanal.

Connection from 2nd level switch at LSB6 (EE-Labor, port 4): 349m->switch->349m+385m (734m)

  1. LSB6: Here, a secondary switch is located. It is directly connected to the clock master in BG2.
  2. LSB6 -> BG2: switch nwt0023, port 7 --> splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 7
  3. BG2 -> EE-Labor: splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 7 --> splice box BG2<->EE-Labor, port 4

Connection from 2nd level switch with detour via BR3 and 1km cable drum on roof (EE-Labor port 5): 349m->switch->349m+398m+2500m+398m+385m (4030m)

  1. LSB6: Here, a secondary switch is located. It is directly connected to the clock master in BG2.
  2. LSB6 -> BG2: switch nwt0023, port 8 --> splice box BG2<->LSB6, port 8
  3. BG2 -> BR3_2.117: splice box BG2 <-> LSB6, port 8 --> splice box BG2<->BR3, port 4
  4. BR3_2.118 -> roof: splice box BG2<->BR3, port 4 --> 1km cable on roof of Nordbau
  5. roof -> BR3_2.117->BG2: cable --> splice box BG2<->BR3, port 5
  6. BG2->EE-Labor: splice box BG2<->BR3, port 5 --> splice box BG2<->EE-Labor, port 5

This provides a connection to the 2nd switch layer of the White Rabbit network plus a spool of 1km cable on the roof of Nordbau. There are five passages in the open air via the Transferkanal.

-- DietrichBeck - 29 Aug 2013
Topic revision: r6 - 2024-04-22, dbeck
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