Step-by-step guide to commissioning a new pexaria5:

  1. Place powered-off pexaria5 on ESD-desk , ESD dischare!
  2. Attach wrex2a addon board to baseboard WR1 (WREX2a benötigt ca. 70mA mehr als WREX1)
  3. Insert green SFP into baseboard cage
  4. Connect SFP to WR network
  5. Connect USBCON1 to PC
  6. Remove any pexaria5dbx addon board, bzw. Abstandshalter angeschraubt?
  7. Attach power via 12V input plug (don't power the board yet, just attach the cable), Current limit set to 1000mA
  8. Connect Xilinx programmer to JTAG
  9. Make sure the card has a serial# on it + Add CID-LABEL,

  10. Set promo5 adapter to SEL1=1, SEL2=4
  11. Open ISE with syn/gsi_pexarria5/cpld/pexaria5_prog.xise
  12. Process Menu => Implement Top Module
  13. Tools Menu => Impact
  14. Power-on pexaria5 ... then immediately (practice on a working pexaria first):
  15. Double-click Boundary Scan
  16. Control-I, prog1.jed
  17. Operations Menu => Program
  18. Power-off pexaria5

  19. Run 'make' in bel_projects/ip_cores/etherbone-core/hdl/eb_usb_core
  20. Download oder pexaria5-a2.sof.xz
  21. Decompress it with: 'xz -d pexaria5-a2.sof.xz'
  22. Set promo5 to SEL1=2, SEL2=8
  23. Connect USB-Blaster to JTAG
  24. Power-on pexaria5 power ~
  25. Press and hold switch S3
  26. Run: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;pexaria5-a2.sof'26_29_31_35quartus_prog.png
  27. Release S3 , lange warten -> ca. 20 sec bis grüner Text erscheint
  28. Erase USB controller (as root): ./ -E flash-fx2lp-E.png
  29. Reprogram (reset) the pexaria5: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;pexaria5-a2.sof'
  30. Program the USB controller (as root): ./ Gelegentlich erscheint die Fehlermeldung "Don't see large enough EEPROM" und PROGRAM wird abgebrochen. Erase und Program sind dann zu wiederholen. 30_flashprg-2_2.png30_flashprg_1_2.png
  31. Reprogram (reset) the pexaria5: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;pexaria5-a2.sof'
  32. Configure the SPI flash chip: eb-config-nv dev/ttyUSBx 10 4, no response if all is ok33_eb-w1-write.png
  33. Format the 1-wire EEPROM in bel_projects/ip_cores/wrpc-sw/tools: eb-w1-write dev/ttyUSBx 0 320 < sdb-wrpc.bin , no response if all is ok, cd ~/Projekte/bel_projects/ip_cores/wrpc-sw/tools | sudo ./eb-w1-write dev/ttyUSB0 0 320 < sdb-wrpc.bin

  34. Power-cycle the pexaria5 / Power ~ 480mA/12V
  35. Program the pexaria5: quartus_pgm -c 1 -m jtag -o 'p;pexaria5-a2.sof'
  36. Flash the FPGA; eb-flash dev/ttyUSBx pci_control.rpd 36_eb_flash.png
  37. Run eb-console dev/ttyUSBx 37_setmac.png
  38. Set MAC address for board #xy: mac setp 00:26:7b:00:04:xy, # exit with crtl-c
  39. Power off the FPGA, remove JTAG
  40. Attach addon board + Add CID Label

  41. Power on the FPGA Power ~530mA /12V, Mit WREX2A sind es ~ 600mA/12V
  42. Run eb-console dev/ttyUSBx 42_eb_console.png
  43. Check 'gui' for Clock Offset <= 10ps for at least 30 seconds. 43_44_ipaddress_cklockphasecheck.png
  44. Confirm that the card receives an IP address , - Erscheint rote IP Meldung BOOTP RUNNING ist die MAC Adresse nicht bekannt bzw. angemeldet. # exit with crtl-c
  45. Attach level Converter (see pic)
  46. Run bel_projects/tools/io-test dev/ttyUSBx 46_io-testcall_ohne_anschluesse.png
  47. Move cable to IO1 and IO3
  48. Rerun io-test
  49. Disconnect cables, and attach to scope
  50. Check voltage levels of all 3 LEMOs (0V...3V) and the LVDS (-0.4V...0.4V) outputs
  1. Check 200Mhz at 2. connector lm32-mil-event-jitter.png
  2. Confirm all (4+4) LEDs blink as with the io-test and 2+4 blink to indicate WR network status
  3. Add Bracket + Insert card into a PC
  4. Run: eb-console dev/wbm0 wbm0mitgui_ipundtimingtest.png
  5. Confirm that 'gui' shows TRACK_PHASE, Sync starts with SYNC_NSEC-> SYNC_PHASE->TRACK_PHASE
  6. Apply gold star to addon- and base-board

-- WesleyTerpstra - 26 Jun 2014
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
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26_29_31_35quartus_prog.pngpng 26_29_31_35quartus_prog.png manage 98 K 2017-06-26 - 13:43 UnknownUser Quartus programming screenshot
30_flashprg-2_2.pngpng 30_flashprg-2_2.png manage 61 K 2017-06-26 - 13:47 UnknownUser  
30_flashprg_1_2.pngpng 30_flashprg_1_2.png manage 59 K 2017-06-26 - 13:46 UnknownUser Flasherase_1_2
32_ebconfig_detvttyusb0.pngpng 32_ebconfig_detvttyusb0.png manage 12 K 2017-06-26 - 13:57 UnknownUser eb-config-nv
33_eb-w1-write.pngpng 33_eb-w1-write.png manage 12 K 2017-06-26 - 14:01 UnknownUser Format eeprom
36_eb_flash.pngpng 36_eb_flash.png manage 15 K 2017-06-26 - 14:03 UnknownUser eb_flash pci_control.rpd
37_setmac.pngpng 37_setmac.png manage 130 K 2017-06-26 - 14:05 UnknownUser ebconsole run
42_eb_console.pngpng 42_eb_console.png manage 46 K 2017-06-26 - 14:07 UnknownUser  
43_44_ipaddress_cklockphasecheck.pngpng 43_44_ipaddress_cklockphasecheck.png manage 41 K 2017-06-26 - 14:23 UnknownUser ipandclkoffset
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4d33c596293499727c0825f0b7e739d5.jpegjpeg 4d33c596293499727c0825f0b7e739d5.jpeg manage 60 K 2017-06-26 - 13:27 UnknownUser Auto-attached by ImagePlugin
PexariaTestprotokoll.odsods PexariaTestprotokoll.ods manage 1 MB 2017-09-19 - 13:46 UnknownUser Vorlage Testprotokoll
PexariaTestprotokoll.pdfpdf PexariaTestprotokoll.pdf manage 1 MB 2017-09-19 - 13:44 UnknownUser Beispiel Testprotokoll
fa1ea502a812c418ff6616de44b6bf02.jpegjpeg fa1ea502a812c418ff6616de44b6bf02.jpeg manage 36 K 2017-09-19 - 13:20 UnknownUser Auto-attached by ImagePlugin
flash-fx2lp-E.pngpng flash-fx2lp-E.png manage 22 K 2017-06-26 - 13:50 UnknownUser Screenshot Erase FLASH
lm32-mil-event-jitter.pngpng lm32-mil-event-jitter.png manage 46 K 2017-06-26 - 17:07 UnknownUser  
pex-in-pc.jpgjpg pex-in-pc.jpg manage 212 K 2014-06-27 - 13:09 UnknownUser  
pex-s3.jpgjpg pex-s3.jpg manage 200 K 2014-06-27 - 13:08 UnknownUser  
pex-scope.jpgjpg pex-scope.jpg manage 238 K 2014-06-27 - 13:09 UnknownUser  
pex-setup.jpgjpg pex-setup.jpg manage 205 K 2014-06-27 - 13:08 UnknownUser  
pex-star.jpgjpg pex-star.jpg manage 173 K 2014-06-27 - 13:09 UnknownUser  
pex-test.jpgjpg pex-test.jpg manage 119 K 2014-06-27 - 13:12 UnknownUser  
promo14.jpgjpg promo14.jpg manage 115 K 2014-06-27 - 13:08 UnknownUser  
promo28.jpgjpg promo28.jpg manage 131 K 2014-06-27 - 13:08 UnknownUser  
wbm0mitgui_ipundtimingtest.pngpng wbm0mitgui_ipundtimingtest.png manage 38 K 2017-06-26 - 14:28 UnknownUser  
Topic revision: r20 - 2017-12-05, dbeck - This page was cached on 2025-02-22 - 16:27.

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