Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Cape Town The Physics Department of the University of Cape Town seeks applications for a permanent position at the level of Lecture...
# Grid related News Grid related Trainings and Courses Grid/ALICE related Conferences and Meetings Grid related News and Infos Grid/ALICE related Job offers ...
#Submitting jobs into the gLite Grid Job Description Language The Job Description Language (JDL) was developed as part of the Condor Project to describe resource...
EGEE Training position at FZK date: May 28, 2006 Dear all, FZK is recruiting a new member for the EGEE training team. Please find below the text of the job offer...
# Grid related Trainings and Courses * gLite user course GridKa July 8, 2005 * Globus Workshop am LRZ in Muenchen (24.1.2006) * repeated Globus Works...
Created: 19 April 2005 Status: OPEN # Installation of AliEn 2 client (ALICE) on grid1.gsi.de first try * rm /u/aliprod/alien, /u/aliprod/alien2, /u/aliprod/....
OMII UK Manchester Node Posts available ESNW would like to draw the attention of the e Science community to the following advertisments for a Project Mangager a...
ALICE Computing Technicians ALICE has 2 'rotating' positions available for Computing Technicians to install and maintain our online system. The positions will be...
CASTOR Development CERN has two positions open now for development work on the CASTOR Mass Storage System. These positions are suitable for people with back...
# Project GSI/ALICE Participation in LCG SC3 Participation of GSI as ALICE T2 centre in LCG SC3 GSI wants to take part as ALICE T2 centre in the LCG Service Chal...
GSI Wiki.Grid Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the GSI Wiki.Grid web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., an...
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this Grid web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to com...