As part of the summer student program 2011 at GSI
this projects objective is to develop, evaluate an exemplary motor control, on basis of basic existing components which will
use Beckhoff devices
be accessed via modBus
be controlled via EPICS
be displayed, e.g. with CSS
(offered to be) used for TASCA, CBM, HADES
Meanwhile the project became more detailed, since CBM showed interest to have a RICH mirror setup motor controlled. This setup requires to have 2 servo motors with a gear reduction to tilt a gimbal mounted planar mirror element (400 mm × 400 mm) in 2 directions. It is foreseen to use this setup during CBM's next test beam time.
Until the ordered parts have arrived, we could use spare equipment of TASCA to develop and test. Thank you.
the developments have been done on a system where instead of the final servo motors, step motors lent by TASCA have been used. So the final final version for the CBM beamtime 10/2011 will have changes to adopt for the server motors and some minor improvements/bugfixes provided by Tanya Torres de Heidenreich for the TwinCAT system and minor changes for EPICS