How-To: Installation of a Timing Receiver or SCU


This how-to summarizes the steps required to install a timing receiver.

Setup up a FEC / Computer that includes a TR

delivery TR ACO ACO ACO
delivery GW ACO ACO ACO
delivery RTE ACO ACO N/A
delivery patch cable ACO ACO ACO
delivery ramdisk ACO ACO N/A
delivery host system HW ACO Usr * Usr
registration TR with TOS ACO Usr Usr
registration host system HW with INN ACO Usr * Usr
installation TR ACO Usr Usr
installation host system HW ACO Usr Usr
pulling, labeling of ACC copper cable ACO Usr Usr
pulling, labeling of WR optical fibre ACO Usr Usr
connection cable / fibre at FEC ACO Usr Usr
connection cable / fibre at ACO switch / WRS ACO Usr/ACO Usr/ACO
create symbolic link for ramdisk ACO Usr N/A
create symbolic link for RTE ACO Usr N/A
flashing TR (if required) ACO Usr * Usr
verify the system works ACO Usr Usr
install / deploy FEC specific software ACO Usr Usr
use-cases classical FEC, Data Master HF, EPS(?) BEA, Experiments
Table: Steps to get a FEC including a TR working (first column) and who does what (remaining columns). Marked by '*': In case of a SCU, this is done by ACO too.

The table above show typical steps required to get FEC including a TR operational. The typical FEC uses the a ramdisk provided by INN, which requires using the Run-Time Environment (RTE) provided by TOS.

Supported by ACO are compoments provided by ACO.
  • Host System HW: SCU, 'Server'
  • Host System OS: ramdisk
  • Driver, tools for TR: RTE

It is possible to use other host system hardware or operating system. But this is not supported by ACO. In this case, users need to build and deploy drivers, libraries and tools for the TR on their own.


  • Prior to connection to a White Rabbit network, the TR must be registered.
  • For connection and usage of a Timing Receiver (TR) at a White Rabbit network provided by ACO, the policies must be respected.
  • For safe operation, the TR must be flashed using "known good images" for the relevant release.

-- DietrichBeck - 08 May 2018
Topic revision: r2 - 2019-06-19, dbeck
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