FAIR Timing Receiver Node: How-To Configure and Operate a VME Timing Receiver (outdated)


August 2013


The VETAR2 is the new VME FEC. Based on Altera FPGAs (Arria II GX), provides two Micro High Speed Terminal Strip connectors (that will be replaced with FMC connectors), fast SRAM and stored possibilities (EEPROM, Flash and parallel Flash). It uses a modified VME64x core.

This wiki also describes how to setup a VME cpu and access a VETAR2 as FTRN over the VME bus.

This How-To assumes an VETAR2 as FTRN and a data master as described here.


In order to have a test setup you need:
  • VME crate
  • VME CPU with a Tundra Universe PCI-VME bridge
  • VETAR2

Actually there are two CPUs up and running for testing porpuses:

  • kp1cx01 (
  • kp1cx02

they boot a debian kernel from a NFS server. If you have a VME CPU you can always ask Christoph Handel for adding your mac to the asl720 server.


Hopfully you got a VETAR card already flashed. If not, please follow this instructions here for a VME-based FEC:

Once that you have all this, you are in business.

Playing with the VETAR

Please log on into the VME CPU e.g: kp1cx01

  • Don't mess up
  • if you want to modify/create new driver/libraries etc... create a folder with your name
  • DON'T rm anything
  • contact me if you have problems: c.prados@gsi.de
load all the drivers needed for accesing the VETAR:

what you've done is to load the drivers:
  • vmebus.ko, for the tundra chip
  • wishbone.ko, for the protocol
  • vme_wb.ko, bridge vme <-> wb
So far you can just make read/write of register behind wishbone slaves:


1) Read the content of the EEPROM (MAC addres, White Rabbit calibration etc...) on the VETAR
Creating VME windos for card in slot 1
device 1: 1700000043d46c43
Reading device on bus 0: offset 0 (0x0), len 200
offset 0 (0x000): 83 (0x53)
offset 1 (0x001):  68 (0x44)

2) Etherbone over the VME bus


Not all the etherbone command are working, only reading commands

If you have run read_w1_eeprom_vme you may experience problems with the driver, please:

It is a problem using the vme windows, I have to fix it but I leaving for holidays today so, when I'm back I'll fix it smile

./eb-ls BusPath VendorID Product BaseAddress(Hex) Description
1 000000000000ce42:66cfeb52 0 WB4-BlockRAM
2 0000000000000651:eef0b198 20000 WB4-Bridge-GSI
2.1 000000000000ce42:ab28633a 20000 WR-Mini-NIC
2.2 000000000000ce42:650c2d4f 20100 WR-Endpoint
2.3 000000000000ce42:65158dc0 20200 WR-Soft-PLL
2.4 000000000000ce42:de0d8ced 20300 WR-PPS-Generator
2.5 000000000000ce42:ff07fc47 20400 WR-Periph-Syscon
2.6 000000000000ce42:e2d13d04 20500 WR-Periph-UART
2.7 000000000000ce42:779c5443 20600 WR-Periph-1Wire
2.8 0000000000000651:68202b22 20700 Etherbone-Config
Topic revision: r7 - 2019-06-19, dbeck
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