Data Master: How-To Configure and Operate for Release R1

This describes the temporary solution derived from miniCS (July 2013).

This information is outdated, as all SCUs have been flashed with newer Gateware


The data master is implemented on a SCU with special gateware/firmware. The data master is configured and controlled via a simple C test program. The configuration is hard coded (you need to recompile). It just configures a cycle of six events and starts the data master.
  • 0x5555555500000000: cycle start + 10us
  • 0x6666666600000000: cycle start + 20us
  • 0x3333333300000000: cycle start + 120ms (pre-trigger)
  • 0x1111111100000000: cycle start + 130ms (pulse start)
  • 0x2222222200000000: cycle start + 230ms (pulse stop)
  • 0x4444444400000000: cycle start + 240ms (post-trigger)

Starting the Data Master

After power-cycling, the data master needs to be started manually.
  1. Logon to the scul022
  2. cd /opt/fesa/local/
  3. ./mcstma_test dev/wbm0 &
  4. The display should give some information.

Sources and Makefile are here.

-- DietrichBeck - 03 Jul 2013
Topic revision: r3 - 2014-07-10, dbeck
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