You are here: GSI Wiki>Linux Web>SubVersionWebFrontendEvaluation (2007-09-06, SimonLang)Edit Attach

SubVersion web frontends

3 different SVN web frontends are currently evaluated:

Tool Debian package Tested Version Implementation authz-Support RSS feeds !PathInfo-URLs Syntax highlighting blame/annotate Search Remarks ViewVC DebPkg:viewvcdebian, DebPkg:viewvc-querydebian 1.0.3-2+gsi.1 (Sid backport) Python ALERT! announced for next release (1.1) DONE Uses a MySQL DB as backend, only repository level granularity? DONE DONE DONE by author, file (combinations possible, but no commit message searching.
Uses a MySQL DB as backend, no separation between repositories? WebSVN DebPkg:websvndebian https://testsvn/wsvn/test 1.61-13 PHP DONE DONE (Links in feeds only leads to directory view ?!) DONE DONE DONE (ugly) commit messages Some funny display "effects" Trac DebPkg:tracdebian 0.10.3-1~bpo.1 Python DONE DONE (Granularity Subtree/File) DONE DONE ALERT! announced for next release (0.11) DONE commit messages (aka. changesets) (plus wiki and Issue tracker) Full bleed SCM solution including wiki and issue tracker

Support for SubVersion's repository access control definitions
Filepath inside the repository is part of the URL (normally the suffix).


  • I prefer the Trac software. Using this package saves us from installing something like BugZilla, additionally.
Simon -- SimonLang - 06 Sep 2007 16:14:17

-- Christo - 26 Jul 2007
Topic revision: r3 - 2007-09-06, SimonLang - This page was cached on 2024-10-15 - 16:06.

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