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S2 — VTPC21 (GTS3EG5T)

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Updated November 07, 2019

Official Manual of TPC ( pdf.gif PDF )
Recent Log and Memo about TPC (2019) (External link)

On 28/11/2023 the thresholds of the TPC raw signal were measured and the measurements are reported in Table 1.

Table 1. TPC thresholds on the discriminator/amplifier

Signals TPC21 TPC22 TPC23 TPC24 TPC31 TPC41 TPC42
A11 no access -73,5 no access -144,4 -366 -154,3 -163,8
A12 -72,7 no access -159,3 -147,6 -387 -144,9 -164,9
A21 no access -77 -158,3 -159,9 -353 -147,8 -160,7
A22 -157,1 -76,4 -144,7 -156,1 -405 -150,1 -166,8
DL1 -112,2 -108,9 -127,3 -195,4 -83,3 -152,2 -119,9
DR1 -79,7 -77,1 -117,3 -207 -110,9 -154,7 -116,4
DL2 -184,4 -71,3 -122,7 -196,8 -64,3 -150,6 -120,9
DR2 -180 -71 no access -190,8 -49,6 -148,2 -127
On 28/11/2023 the thresholds of the TPC Sci-Sig raw were measured and the measurements are reported in Table 2.

Table 2. TPC calibration grid values.

TPC Threshold on discriminator High Voltage (V) Current at no bema (\mu A)
TPC21 -64,5 600,5 214
TPC22 -46,5 600 213,5
TPC23 -136,5 500,5 178
TPC24 -15,3 500,5 178
TPC31   330 117,5
TPC41 -49,6    
TPC42 -45,6    

On 28/11/2023 the readout window of the TDC for the TPC has been moved about 1 microsecond in order to better center the events.

-- SagarRoy - 2021-06-26
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Areas.gifgif Areas.gif manage 1 K 2021-07-10 - 11:25 SagarRoy  
pdf.gifgif pdf.gif manage 128 bytes 2021-07-14 - 20:06 SagarRoy  
tpcmanual.pdfpdf tpcmanual.pdf manage 2 MB 2021-07-14 - 19:58 SagarRoy  
Topic revision: r6 - 2023-11-30, ElenaRocco
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