Results from FAIRcontrols web retrieved at 07:03 (Local)

Comments and suggestions Add here your comments * In my opinion we should use the Controls forum for discussions. Main.HolgerBrand 01 Nov 2005 * VRVS i...
Visit of Hytec Electronics Ltd. Dear Colleagues, Hytec will visit GSI on January 25, 2007. Please, feel free to join. I would be nice if could send me a notify wh...
This is the list of past events. * Visit from Hytec Electronics Ltd on January 25, 2007. EventDetails2007 01 25 ... Main.HolgerBrand 05 Jun 2007
FutureDAQ European Community Research Infrastructure Activity under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" programme (HadronPhysics, contract number RII...
NEW - 2006-01-26 - 18:05 by HansEssel
December 1, 2005, 10h Room: GSI, SB2 2.239b Agenda Please, feel free to add topics to the agenda. * Protokoll of previous meeting * Definition of our aims....
Januar 19, 2005, 10h Room: SB2 2.239b Agenda Please, feel free to add topics to the agenda. * Protokoll of previous meeting * Talk of Heinrich Woertche fo...
Januar 19, 2006, 10h Room: SB2 2.239b Agenda Please, feel free to add topics to the agenda. * Protokoll of previous meeting * Talk of Heinrich Woertche fo...
r9 - 2006-01-19 - 18:00 by HansEssel
Januar 26, 2006, 13h Room: C24 2.011 Agenda * Talk of Heinrich Woertche for the NUSTAR collaboration. * Discussion Participants: Main.JoernAdamczewski, M...
r5 - 2006-01-27 - 12:58 by HansEssel
NUSTAR Controls Group Mini Workshop Space Time Coordinates * Date: June 6, 2007, 13:30h 18:00h * Room: KP II Discussion room SE 2.185 Agenda * 13:30 ...
March 16, 2006, 10h Room: Agenda * Participants: Meeting minutes: Main.HansEssel 26 Jan 2006
NEW - 2006-01-26 - 17:48 by HansEssel
FAIR Control Meeting Minutes MeetingRooms@GSI The following table contains the links to the meeting protocols MeetingJun062007 Wednesday, June 6, 2007 ...
November 15, 2006, 14:00h 16:00h Room: THD, BR1 3.014, Tel. 2010 Preparation: We have to bring our own beamer if necessary. Agenda * EPICS XDAQ Gateway ...
November 17, 2005, 10h Agenda * Holger Brand reports * Discussion * Coffee Participants: Main.HolgerBrand, Main.DietrichBeck, Main.MarcRStockmeier, Ma...
First Meeting October 20, 2005 J rn Adamczewski, Ralph Baer, Dietrich Beck, Hans Essel, Klaus H ppner, Christophor Kozhuharov, Burkhard Kolb, Camilo Lara, Yvonne ...
NEW - 2005-10-21 - 17:20 by HansEssel
Proposal for our mission statement The MissionStatement is the agreement about goals of the FAIR Controls Advisory Board that has to be founded in near future. Me...
Virtual Conferencing with Breeze DFN (Deutsches Forschungsnetz) operates a Breeze Server. * Introduction * Getting Started * Enter Virtual room for FAIR ...
FAIR Controls Workspace Welcome to GSI Wiki.FAIRcontrols. Mission Statement The MissionStatement. Contents * MeetingMinutes and Organization News * 18 A...
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This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this FAIRcontrols web. This is a convenient service, so you do not hav...
FAIRcontrols Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the FAIRcontrols web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., and ...
GSI Wiki's FAIRcontrols web /FAIRcontrols The FAIRcontrols web of TWiki. TWiki is a Web Based Collaboration Platform for the Corporate World.
Jun 2007 535 4 2 106 WebHome 50 MeetingJun062007 42 MeetingMinutes 34 WebPreferences 24 WebChanges 23 WebNotify 22 Virt...
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Number of topics: 27

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