NUSTAR Controls Group Mini Workshop

Space-Time Coordinates

  • Date: June 6, 2007, 13:30h - 18:00h
  • Room: KP II Discussion room SE 2.185


  • 13:30 - Matjaz Vencelj(KVI) Digital Pulse Shape Analysis
  • 14:00 - Lucia Popescu(KVI) Controls GRIDCC
  • 16:30 - Torsten Beck(GSI) Digital Pulse Shape Discrimination Methods (Talk: ppt)
  • 17:00 - Peter Zumbruch(GSI) EPICS IOCs in FPGA chips (Talk: ppt, pdf)


JoernAdamczewski, DietrichBeck, HolgerBrand, HansEssel, BurkhardKolb, PeterZumbruch, HeinrichWoertche, LuciaPopescu, CatherineRigollet, MatjazVencelj, HaikSimon, TorstenBeck

Everybode is welcome!

Meeting minutes:

Summary for the KVI delegation (Heinrich Wörtche)

The controls activities at KVI presently focus on two issues: controls of embedded systems at front-ent and identifcation of a controls system top layer. On front-end level objective is to develop automized procedures for stabilization, calibration and otpimization based on digital pulse shape analysis.

Concerning the top layer we have looked into options provided by GridCC. Details and the present status of this activities can be found on:

Harmonizing activities between GSI/KVI:

  • KVI considers to use the HADES general purpose readout board as hardware platform for future developments.
  • EE/KS is about to develop an embedded EPICS IOC for the HADControl board.
  • LabVIEW (expertise availabe at KVI) and EPICS (no expertise) will be considered/applied for instrument controls.
  • EE/KS will consider a GridCC-DIM-Gateway not before November 2007.
  • a video conference system (see list below) will be installed
  • the KVI Wiki system will be cross linked with the GSI Wiki on controls issues

Next Meeting

The next meeting concerning NuStar Controls is planned for November 2007. Web-Conference tool will be used inbetween. Refer to announcements at VirtualConferencing. -- HolgerBrand - 06 Jun 2007

Videoconferencing Compatibility Chart

Could we try and fill the table? Let the minimum functionality be voice+video and cross-platform.
tool/protocol OS support extra features comments/issues/solutions
VRVS any, www+java desktop display (but no control), somewhat cumbersome gui, GSI Nodes with even IP numbers are blocked by GSI firewall
EVO any, www+java same as VRVS, next gen VRVS, clean & simple gui, used successfully from a knoppix-cd-booted public PC; GSI Nodes with even IP numbers are maybe blocked by GSI firewall, somebody has to test it.
Adobe® Connect™ FlashPlayer Plugin Linux, Mac, Windows, Meeting organizer needs DFN account, worldwide accessible
Skype win/mac/linux no video on linux, forbidden at some institutes for unclean net behavior
H.323/SIP ekiga for win/mac/linux MS netmeeting compatible ?,
-- MatjazVencelj - 07 Jun 2007

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
FastPulseShapeAnalysisForAGATA-Germanium-Detectors.pptppt FastPulseShapeAnalysisForAGATA-Germanium-Detectors.ppt manage 10 MB 2007-06-27 - 12:56 HolgerBrand Fast Pulse Shape Analysis for AGATA-Germanium-Detectors
PeterZumbruch-EPICS-embedded-public.pdfpdf PeterZumbruch-EPICS-embedded-public.pdf manage 523 K 2007-06-27 - 10:40 PeterZumbruch PDF of P.Zumbruch's Presentation
PeterZumbruch-EPICS-embedded-public.pptppt PeterZumbruch-EPICS-embedded-public.ppt manage 2 MB 2007-06-11 - 10:22 PeterZumbruch Powerpoint Presentation of P.Zumbruch's Presentation
Topic revision: r10 - 2007-06-27, HolgerBrand - This page was cached on 2024-10-18 - 08:45.

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