November 15, 2006, 14:00h - 16:00h

Room: THD, BR1 3.014, Tel. 2010

Preparation: We have to bring our own beamer if necessary.


  • EPICS - XDAQ Gateway
    • ChannelAccess IOC: Pros and Cons
    • EPICS-DIM Gateway: Pros and Cons
    • Implementation options
      • EPICS device support
      • Portable CA server and client


JoernAdamczewski, DietrichBeck, HolgerBrand, HansEssel, MartinFeldmann, BurkhardKolb, PiotrKoczon, LinevSergey, PeterZumbruch

Everybode is welcome!

Meeting minutes:

  • JoernAdamczewski: XDAQ Overview & Requirements. (See attached Summary of XDAQ monitoring and control features )
    • some ten CPUs
    • some 100 PVs/CPU
  • Discussion
  • Result
    • First setp
      • XDAQ - DIM Interface
      • Usage of LabVIEW-DIM Interface or EPICS-DIM-Gateway as required by the application
    • Second step
      • An EPICS-XDAQ-Gateway could be implemented for future production system later

Next Meeting

PeterZumbruch will invite when the EPICS-DIM-Gateway becomes available.

-- HolgerBrand - 01 Nov 2006

I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
XDAQ-moncontrol-features.docdoc XDAQ-moncontrol-features.doc manage 30 K 2006-11-15 - 16:01 JoernAdamczewski Summary of XDAQ monitoring and control features
Topic revision: r5 - 2006-11-15, JoernAdamczewski - This page was cached on 2024-10-18 - 08:28.

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