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Apfel - Details Of The Communication Protocol


The communication with the APFEL chip on the signal level



    Bits are represented by a sequence of 5 states of the pins DOUT and CLK


    1. DOUT low + CLK low
    2. DOUT high + CLK low
    3. DOUT high + CLK high
    4. DOUT low + CLK high
    5. DOUT low + CLK low


    1. DOUT low + CLK low
    2. DOUT high + CLK low
    3. DOUT high + CLK high
    4. DOUT low + CLK high
    5. DOUT low + CLK low


      • ~25μs per bit
        • → max 40kBit/s
        • or 5μs per state change
      • + 10μs
        • → max 28kBit/s

    execution times of the api

    • using artificial markers before and after the parser give
      • a minimum of ~37μs per call
      • typical values of ~1.2ms (w/o any output)
      • typical values of ~12 ms (with output)
      • typical values of ~15 ms (with error output)
      • maximum 125ms (autocalibration)


    • BIG - endian


      The full command sequence consists of:
      1. stream header
      2. the actual command sequence
      3. command specific sequences

      stream header

        The actual command sequence is prefixed by a stream header consisting of
        1. clear data input sequence, i.e.
          1. for each command sequence bit (22)
            • write 1 clock sequence:
              • equivalent to: write 1 low bit
            • each 8 bit with 2 additional sequences of
              • DOUT low + CLK low
          2. followed by 10 sequences of the same
            • DOUT low + CLK low
          • ⇒ summed up roughly ~620μs
          • ⇒ measured ~620μs ~760-840μs
        2. the set
          • DOUT low + CLK low
            • to allow side selection bit to change before any action
        3. the sequence
          1. DOUT low + CLK low
          2. DOUT high + CLK low
          3. DOUT high + CLK high
          4. DOUT high + CLK low ⇐ this is the only difference to a low bit sequence
          5. DOUT low + CLK low

      command sequence

        The bare command set of the APFEL protocol is a big-endian sequence of 22 bits:
        1. 4 command bits
        2. 10 value bits
        3. 8 chip id bits

      command specific sequences

        1. 3 clock cycles
          • equivalent to 3 low bit sequences
        2. (optional) the complete readDac sequence

          1. read bit sequence for
            1. 2 leading bits
              • ALERT! this have to be 10 (binary), to be correct
            2. 10 value bits
            3. 3 trailing bits
              • ALERT! this have to be 111 (binary), to be correct
            • so in total a bit stream of the form of 10 xx xxxx xxxx 111 has to be read
          2. followed by 3 clock cycles
            • equiv. to 3 low bit
          read bit sequence
          1. DOUT low + CLK low
          2. Initial bit and the rest
            1. Initial bit
              • since the APFEL needs first the falling clock endge to activate the output pad, the initial bit is read differently
              1. CLK high
              2. CLK low
              3. read PIN
            2. Remaining bit
              1. CLK high
              2. read PIN
              3. CLK low

        auto calibration
        • 4 × 1024 = 4096 clock cycles

        test pulse - sequence
        • 3 clock cycles

        set/reset amplification
        • 3 clock cycles


      command set amplification


-- PeterZumbruch - 31 Mar 2015
-- PeterZumbruch - 2015-05-27
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Bits.pngpng Bits.png manage 5 K 2015-03-31 - 09:43 PeterZumbruch Bit timing
CommandSequence.pngpng CommandSequence.png manage 5 K 2015-03-30 - 16:08 PeterZumbruch Apfel command sequence for Command E
Topic revision: r5 - 2015-05-27, PeterZumbruch - This page was cached on 2024-12-19 - 19:46.

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