Adaptive Control Unit Documentation Here you will find general ACU documents/manuals. Here you can find more detailed module descriptions . Main.DerekS...
ACU Firmware Change Log Here you can find the change log for the ACU module firmare.The change log for the Nios software can be found here.The change log for the ...
ACU Firmware Release Notes Refer to ACUFirmwareChangeLog for further version information. MFU SE 7.5.2 / MFU SE 7.5.3 / MFU LWL 7.0.0 * If a reset command is ...
Adaptive Control Unit Dokuments/Manuals On this page you can find the latest documents describing the Adaptive Control Unit.(The date in brackets indicates the da...
Adaptive Control Unit Module Descriptions On this page you can find the latest documents describing modules.(The date in brackets indicates the day of the last up...
How to program firmware Learn here how to program the individual modules via JTAG. You can find the latest firmware here: ACUModulesFirmwareSoftware * To progr...
Release Historie and download possibilities of latest firmware As a rule, only the latest versions are offered here for download. If you need an older version, pl...
Zusammenspiel der bisherigen Firmware (FW) und Software (SW) Stände der Version 7. You can find the English version below. Von der Theorie her sollten alle Firmw...
1st Generation ACU System * Infos zum ACU System der 1sten Generation (Update: 17.05.2021)Dieses Dokument enthält grundlegene Infos. Bitte zuerst lesen! * P...
USI Freqently Asked Questions HS USI: wo wird festgelegt, welche Daten über HS USI übertragen werden? HS USI: unter welchem FIFO/FSP landen die HS Daten? In der ...
Knowledge Base How Things Work MFU * Bedeutung der MFU Tasten LEDs ON, OFF, RESET MeaningOfTheMFUButtonsLEDs * ERL (EnergyRecoveryLimiting) Begrenzung ...
Implement an USI interface in your own FPGA project. If you plan to develop your own module for an ACU connection, it is necessary to do this via USI. Documents ...
MFU NiosII Software Change Log Here you can find the change log for the Nios software.The change log for the module firmware can be found here. Refer to MFUSoftwa...
MFU Software Release Notes Refer to MFUSoftwareChangeLog for further version information. 007.00800 * If a parameter file is loaded from a USB flash memory int...
Knowledge Base Necessary Hardware Modifications Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the hardware later.As a rule, these changes are realized in a new layout.Exist...
Please take care of the following notes for the next FW/SW releases: (This is developper stuff only, so it's not important for users.) Lib Updates * 23.12....
PCA Change Log Refer to PCAReleaseNotes for further release information and possibly known issues. * Current version 7.9.6 (15.11.2024) * frm_FirmwareUpdat...
PCA Release Notes Refer to PCAChangeLog for further version information. * Current version 7.9.0 to 7.9.5 * The tolerance band display does not work in MFU ...
Latest software release of Power Config Advanced 7 Refer to PCAChangeLog for further version information. Refer to PCAReleaseNotes for further release information...
Test instructions On this page you will find the instructions for carrying out the test routines of the individual modules and the complete System. Instruction ...
Test Log Files Templates for SAT of ACU Modules and the complete ACU system. * test_log_MFU.docx for the Multi Function Unit * test_log_ILCM.docx for th...
VHDL Module Hints for Developer * FSP_SerialOutput (27.09.2018) Das Generic 'gFSPDepth' ist auf max. 16#FFF# beschränkt. Problem hierbei ist, dass die max. FSP...
EPS Wiki Welcome to the GSI EPS Wiki. The following subject areas are available AdaptiveControlUnit This topic includes ACU (adaptive control unit) information ...