Release Historie and download possibilities of latest firmware

As a rule, only the latest versions are offered here for download. If you need an older version, please contact ACU support.

Please be informed that versions with this

background color
are still conform to the old version standard.
In this case, the additional information (fixed) appears on the MultiFunctionUnit TFTdisplay while checking the release version.
Both on the TFT display and in PowerConfigAdvanced, the version number is corrected as the third digit is moved to the second.
=> For example, a firmware version 7.01 (Note that the 2nd dot is missing. So the format is x.y.) is displayed as 7.1.0 (fixed). (The new Fommat is three-digit x.y.z). <=

Important file info

.jic To program this file you need a USB blaster and the "QuartusII Programmer" from the Intel homepage.
The .jic file contains both the application and the factory image of the module/MFU firmware.
.rbf This file can be programmed either via a USB flash device directly via the MFU or with the help of PowerConfigAdvanced.
Only the module/MFU firmware application image is included.
.flash To program this file you need an USB blaster and the "nios2_flash_programmer" which is part of QuartusII from the Intel homepage.
The .flash file contains both the application and the factory image of the MFU software.
.s19 This file can be programmed either via a USB flash device directly via the MFU or with the help of PowerConfigAdvanced.
Only the MFU software application image is included.

40x Digital Interlock Module FG660.14x
ADC II 18 bits (Class 3) FG660.04x
ADC 24 bits (Class 2) FG660.42x
ADC DAC IO Ver. II FG660.46x
Analog Interlock Module (AIM) FG660.56x
Interlock Control Module III (ICM III) FG660.05x
ICM SR Same hardware as Interlock Control Module III (ICM III) (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
ICM primary controlled Same hardware as Interlock Control Module III (ICM III) (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
MFU LE (legacy) FG660.012...FG660.017
MFU LWL (optical fiber) FG660.018, FG66.019
MFU SE (second edition) FG660.018, FG66.019
MFU TFT Front Panel FG660.02x
NC (Normal Conducting) Test Facility Same hardware as Interlock Control Module III (ICM III) (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
Parallel Feeder Same hardware as Static Converter III (FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Semiconductor Monitoring Module FG660.73x
SR Injection Septa Same hardware as Static Converter III (FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Static Converter III FG660.09x
TS1MU1 Same hardware as Static Converter III (FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Water Interlock Control Module II (WICMII) FG660.15x
Zero Filed Control (ZFC) Same hardware as ADC DAC IO Ver.II (FG660.46x) but completely different functionality.
MFU Nios Software  
Software for Static Converter and its derivatives  

40x Digital Interlock Module Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 11.07.17, 08:17:46
7.0.1 13.09.18, 08:22:10
7.0.2 01.11.18, 16:15:34
7.1.0 10.04.19, 14:14:49
7.1.1 28.02.20, 13:12:08 ACU_40xInterlock_Board_FandA_Rel_T131208_D_280220_V_7_1_1_H_mspc028.jic

ADC II 18 bits (Class 3) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 31.03.17, 15:40:53 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 31.03.17 ACU_ADC_Module_II_FandA_Rel_T_154053_D_310317_V_7_0_H_drodomon.jic
7.1.0 13.11.19, 08:42:36 Important NOTE: An update to this version requires that the MFU is also updated to at least version 7.5.0 and the TFT board to version 7.1.0 or newer.
7.1.1 19.12.19, 10:58:29
7.1.2 27.02.23, 11:14:12 ACU_ADC_Module_II_FandA_Rel_T_111412_D_270223_V_7_1_2_H_drodomon.jic

ADC 24 bits (Class 2) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 31.03.17, 15:40:53
7.1.0 21.10.24, 11:36:51 (.jic)

ADC DAC IO Ver. II Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 12.06.18, 15:40:59
7.1.0 06.07.18, 12:01:26
7.1.1 02.11.18, 11:13:37 
7.2.0 20.03.19, 16:06:22
7.2.1 11.03.20, 10:32:07 
7.2.2 27.02.23, 12:17:43 ADC_DAC_IO_Modul_FandA_Rel_T_121743_D_270223_V_7_2_2_H_drodomon.jic

Analog Interlock Module (AIM) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 11.07.17, 08:17:46
7.1.0 25.03.19, 09:46:58
7.1.1 19.12.19, 11:04:22
7.1.2 27.02.23, 11:23:07 ACU_AnalogInterlockModule_FandA_Rel_T_112307_D_270223_V_7_1_2_H_drodomon.jic

Interlock Control Module III (ICM III) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 29.03.17, 15:55:45 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.01 18.09.17, 11:36:59 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.2.0 24.07.18, 16:29:39 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.2.1 10.09.18, 10:53:44 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.3.0 21.01.19, 08:44:11 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.3.1 10.04.19, 09:47:27 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17
7.3.2 20.03.20, 09:10:52 .jic contains Factory Image 7.3.2 - 20.03.20

Important NOTE: As soon as you have a board with the hardware TLP fixes, you have to use FW 7.3.1 or higher versions. If the board has not the hardware TLP fixes you can use any kind of FW, but for sure the tripline will be not properly propagated.
7.4.0 18.12.20, 17:15:24 .jic contains Factory Image 7.3.2 - 20.03.20

A bug in the "Static Value Comp" function was discovered in this version. If this function is NOT used, you can use 7.4.0. If you do NOT need SPI support, we recommend using 7.3.2. Otherwise, please contact us or wait for version 7.5.0. Thanks very much.
7.5.0 21.04.22, 09:34:57
7.5.1 24.05.22, 11:49:57 .jic contains Factory Image 7.3.2 - 20.03.20
7.6.0 07.08.22, 10:07:26
7.6.1 01.12.22, 08:21:17
7.6.2 27.02.23, 08:40:04 ACU_ICM_FandA_Rel_T_084004_D_270223_V_7_6_2_H_drodomon.jic

ICM primary controlled Goto top

Same hardware as ICM III (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 01.08.22, 16:46:50
7.0.1 01.12.22, 09:48:54 ACU_ICM_PrimaryControlled_FandA_Rel_T_094854_D_011222_V_7_0_1_H_drodomon.jic

ICM SR Goto top

Same hardware as ICM III (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 10.02.22, 08:55:49
7.1.1 24.05.22, 11:47:03
7.2.0 01.06.22, 10:02:51
7.2.1 27.02.23, 11:46:40 ACU_ICM_SR_FandA_Rel_T_114640_D_270223_V_7_2_1_H_drodomon.jic

MFU LE (Legacy) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 01.03.17, 12:40:53 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 30.03.17, 14:52:20
7.01 18.07.17, 08:43:46 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 30.03.17, 14:52:20
7.02 17.04.18, 08:57:08 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 30.03.17, 14:52:20

Due to an error in the MFU LE firmware, it is not possible to perform the MFU firmware update for versions lower than 7.2.1 with an USB flash drive and an .rbf file. Instead, use the .jic file and an USB blaster.

Version 7.2.1 and later is not yet released! MultiFunctionUnit_Legacy_FandA_Rel_T_085708_D_170418_V_7_2_H_drodomon.jic 

MFU LWL (optical fiber)Goto top

Same hardware as MFU SE (FG660.018, FG660.019) but different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 26.04.23, 10:00:28 Needs at least Nios SW 007.00800 for full functionality.
7.0.1 15.09.23, 12:39:08
7.1.0 20.08.24, 09:55:11 (.jic)

MFU SE (Second Edition) Goto top

FG660.018, FG660.019
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 29.03.17, 16:56:23 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18
7.01 17.11.17, 14:31:26 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18
7.2.0 09.03.18, 11:36:53 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18
7.3.0 19.04.18, 11:58:39 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18
7.3.1 03.05.18, 16:24:49 .jic contains Factory Image 7.3.1 - 04.05.18, 10:37:48
7.3.2 31.10.18, 09:26:30 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18
7.4.0 06.02.19, 16:02:23 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.0 - 29.03.17, 16:05:18 MultiFunctionUnit_SE_FandA_Rel_T_160223_D_060219_V_7_4_0_H_drodomon.jic
7.5.0 12.11.19, 16:47:34 Important NOTES:
  • An update to this version requires that the ADC Module is also updated to at least version 7.1.0 and the TFT board to version 7.1.0 or newer.
  • This firmware version also requires at least version 7.4 of the Nios software.
7.5.1 16.06.20, 14:58:50
7.5.2 13.01.20, 15:49:46
7.5.3 30.06.21, 15:03:54
7.5.4 15.09.23, 11:16:03
7.6.0 15.05.24, 09:09:31 MultiFunctionUnit_FandA_Rel_T_090931_D_150524_V_7_6_0_H_drodomon.jic

MFU TFT Front Panel Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 29.03.17, 15:32:55 Due to an error in the update module it is not possible to update this version with .rbf. Please update to 7.0.1 via .jic file.
7.0.1 26.09.18, 09:53:50 .jic contains Factory Image 7.0.1 - 26.09.18, 09:53:50 MFU_TFTFrontPanel_FandA_Rel_T_095350_D_260918_V_7_0_1_H_mspc028.jic
7.1.0 Important NOTE: An update to version 7.1.1 requires that the MFU is also updated to at least version 7.5.0 and the ADC board to version 7.1.0 or newer.
7.1.1 19.12.19, 11:18:45
7.1.2 27.02.23, 12:36:50 MFU_TFTFrontPanel_FandA_Rel_T_123650_D_270223_V_7_1_2_H_drodomon.jic

NC (Normal Conducting) Test Facility Goto top

Same hardware as ICM III (FG660.05x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 21.07.21, 09:17:45
7.0.1 26.07.21, 08:57:42
7.0.2 26.08.21, 13:31:45
7.0.3 27.08.21, 16:07:21
7.0.4 01.09.21, 11:45:41
7.1.0 20.04.22, 15:39:24
7.1.1 27.02.23, 12:46:10 ACU_NC_TestFacility_FandA_Rel_T_124610_D_270223_V_7_1_1_Host_drodomon.jic

Parallel Feeder Goto top

Same hardware as Static Converter III (FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 14.07.17, 10:03:02
7.1.0 05.06.18, 11:36:36
7.1.1 20.06.18, 14:15:12
7.1.2 19.09.18, 13:55:57 
7.1.3 01.11.18, 17:18:05
7.2.0 10.04.19, 15:23:50 Important NOTE: As soon as you have a board with the hardware TLP fixes, you have to use FW 7.2.0 or higher versions. If the board has not the hardware TLP fixes you can use any kind of FW, but for sure the tripline will be not properly propagated.
7.2.1 19.12.19, 12:44:36
7.2.2 27.02.23, 11:39:47 ACU_Parallel_Feeder_FandA_Rel_T_113947_D_270223_V_7_2_2_H_drodomon.jic

ACU Semiconductor Monitoring Module Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 23.10.18, 13:43:28
7.0.1 27.02.23, 12:44:35 ACU_MonitoringModule_FandA_Rel_T_124435_D_270223_V_7_0_1_H_drodomon.jic

SR Injection Septa Goto top

Same hardware as Static Converter III (FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0.0 21.08.19, 09:30:29 Important NOTE: As soon as you have a board with the hardware TLP fixes, you have to use FW 7.0.0 or higher versions. If the board has not the hardware TLP fixes you can use any kind of FW, but for sure the tripline will be not properly propagated.
7.1.0 04.09.19, 15:23:12 
7.1.1 13.11.19, 09:37:14
7.1.2 19.12.19, 12:48:03
7.1.3 27.02.23, 11:44:48 ACU_SR_InjSepta_FandA_Rel_T_114448_D_270223_V_7_1_3_H_drodomon.jic

Static Converter III Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 14.07.17, 10:38:01
7.1.0 05.06.18, 11:34:32
7.1.1 20.06.18, 14:30:03
7.1.2 19.09.18, 13:57:48
7.2.0 11.10.18 14:54:44
7.2.1 01.11.18, 17:22:18
7.3.0 10.04.19, 15:36:22 Important NOTE: As soon as you have a board with the hardware TLP fixes, you have to use FW 7.3.0 or higher versions. If the board has not the hardware TLP fixes you can use any kind of FW, but for sure the tripline will be not properly propagated.
7.3.1 13.11.19, 09:50:11
7.3.2 19.12.19, 14:01:25
7.3.3 27.02.23, 11:37:37 ACU_Static_Converter_III_FandA_Rel_T_113737_D_270223_V_7_3_3_H_drodomon.jic

TS1MU1 Goto top

Same hardware as Static Converter III(FG660.09x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 30.11.17, 11:18:06
10.01.18, 11:52:16 Due to an error in the update module it is not possible to update this version with .rbf. Please update to 7.1.4 via .jic file.
7.1.0 05.06.18, 11:34:32
7.1.1 15.06.18, 08:23:42
7.1.2 20.06.18, 10:25:17
7.1.3 19.09.18, 14:02:21
7.1.4 01.11.18, 15:46:20
7.2.0 10.04.19, 15:31:12 Important NOTE: As soon as you have a board with the hardware TLP fixes, you have to use FW 7.2.0 or higher versions. If the board has not the hardware TLP fixes you can use any kind of FW, but for sure the tripline will be not properly propagated.
7.2.1 13.11.19, 09:58:41
7.2.2 19.12.19, 13:59:59
7.2.3 27.02.23, 12:19:12 ACU_TS1MU1_FandA_Rel_T_121912_D_270223_V_7_2_3_H_drodomon.jic

Water Interlock Control Module II (WICM II) Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 11.07.17, 08:58:07
7.0.1 10.09.18, 10:34:51
7.0.2 18.02.20, 10:58:49 ACU_WaterAndICM_II_FandA_Rel_T_105849_D_180220_V_7_0_2_H_drodomon.jic

Zero Field Control (ZFC) Goto top

Same hardware as ADC DAC IO Ver.II(FG660.46x) but completely different functionality.
Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00 11.01.18, 13:34:47
7.1.0 05.06.18, 11:38:27
7.1.1 15.06.18, 08:23:42
7.1.2 05.06.18, 10:52:19
7.2.0 21.03.19, 16:04:49
7.2.1 01.07.19, 11:16:12
7.2.2 13.11.19, 10:21:02
7.2.3 19.12.19, 14:28:13 
7.3.0 14.12.20, 14:48:31 ACU_ZeroFieldControl_Rel_T_144831_D_141220_V_7_3_0_H_drodomon.jic

MFU Nios Software Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.0 29.03.17, 15:27:14
7.1 04.05.18, 11:54:53
7.2 03.08.18, 10:45:48 Important NOTE: The Nios software 7.2 no longer runs on MFU firmware 7.5.0 and higher. In that case use at least Nios software version 7.4. MFU_Flash_cfi_flash_7_2_Application.s19
7.3 24.05.19 This version is skipped due to a serious bug.
7.4 10.07.20, 14:13:25

Important NOTE: This Nios software version is downward compatible with MFU firmware versions older than 7.5.0.

If the ".flash" file is used together with the "nios2-flash-programmer" and an older "" script, from version Nios 7.4 the parameter "--timestamp=xxxx" has to be removed from "". Otherwise the file cannot be programmed on older systems.
7.5 05.02.21, 08:14:01
7.6 20.05.22, 13:26:06
7.7 16.03.23, 08:51:21
7.00800 05.04.23, 12:51:25
7.00801 07.06.24, 12:54:34 MFU_Flash_cfi_flash_APP_V7_00801_Time_12_54_34_Date_07_06_2024.s19

Software for Static Converter and its derivatives Goto top

Version Date, Time Info File (Right-click on file and "Save Target As...")
7.00000 08.05.24 SVN_EET1[1121] StaticCurrentConverter_Flash_cfi_flash_080524_V7_00000.flash
-- DerekSchupp - 2018-09-21
Topic revision: r78 - 2025-01-15, DerekSchupp
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