PCA Release Notes

Refer to PCAChangeLog for further version information. 7.9.0 to 7.9.5
  • The tolerance band display does not work in MFU Forms with 4-channel internal osciliscope.
    The 8-channel osciliscope in older MFUs is not affected by this.
    If possible, use an older version of PCA or 7.9.6 and newer.

    Die Toleranzbandanzeige funktioniert in MFU Forms mit 4 kanaligem internen Osziliskop nicht.
    Das 8 kanalige Osziliskop in älteren MFUs ist davon nicht betroffen.
    Benutzen Sie nach Möglichkeit eine ältere Version von PCA oder 7.9.6 und neuer.
  • When using the Tool->GPIB interface, an exception may occur indicating that the file "NationalInstruments.Common" was not found. (03.11.2023 - DS)
    Make sure the NI-488 driver is installed and copy the Power_Config_Advanced.exe.config file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerConfigAdvanced\bin\Release folder. Restart PCA.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.

    Bei der Verwendung des Tool->GPIB Interface kann es zu einem Ausnahmefehler kommen, der meldet, dass die Datei "NationalInstruments.Common" nicht gefunden wurde.
    Stellen Sie sicher, dass der NI-488 Trieber installiert ist und kopieren Sie die Power_Config_Advanced.exe.config Datei in den C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerConfigAdvanced\bin\Release Ordner. Starten die PCA neu.
    Dieser Fehler wird in der nächsten Version von PCA behoben sein.
  • ICM 7.0 to ICM 7.3, due to an error in the decoding, an exception occurs on the TabPage [Environment data] when LiveView is switched on. PCA thus stops its function. (22.03.23 - DS)
    Avoid activating the LiveView on the [Environment data] TabPage.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.

    ICM 7.0 bis ICM 7.3, wegen eines Fehlers in der Dekodierung kommt es bei eingeschaltetem LiveView auf der TabPage [Environment data] zu einer Exception. PCA stoppt damit dessen Funktion. (22.03.23 - DS)
    Vermeiden Sie das Aktivieren des LiveView auf der [Environment data] TabPage.
    Dieser Fehler wird in der nächsten Version von PCA behoben sein.
All versions up to 7.7.3
Alle Versionen bis einschließlich 7.7.3
  • Interlock texts that are generated using PCA and stored in the MFU flash show both the USI and module number and the interlock bit in decimal form. (20.10.22 - DS)
    As a result, in the event of an error, the display on the TFT is faulty if a USI >= 10 or an interlock bit >=100 is affected. This is because the places reserved for this are not designed for decimal, but only for hexadecimal display. If an interlock bit does NOT have an error text stored in the MFU Flash, then the MFU itself generates the display on the TFT from the interlock information determined. In this case, the display is correctly represented in hexadecimal.
    As of PCA 7.8.0, the interlock texts for the MFU flash are correctly generated in hexadecimal, i.e. the USI, module number and interlock bit are all displayed in hexadecimal since then.
    PCA, on the other hand, displays this information in decimal and recently (as of PCA 7.9.0) also in {hexadecimal}.

    Interlocktexte die mittels PCA erzeugt und im MFU Flash abgelegt werden zeigen sowohl, die USI- und Modulnummer, als auch das Interlockbit dezimal an. (20.10.22 - DS)
    Dies hat zur Folge, dass im Fehlerfall die Anzeige auf dem TFT fehlerhaft ist, sofern eine USI >= 10, bzw. ein Interlockbit >=100 betroffen ist. Dies deshalb, weil die dafür reservierten Stellen nicht für die dezimale, sondern nur für die hexadezimale Anzeige ausgelegt sind. Verfügt ein Interlockbit NICHT über einen im MFU Flash hinterlegten Fehlertext, dann erzeugt die MFU selbst aus den ermittelten Interlockinformationen die Anzeige auf dem TFT. In diesem Fall ist die Anzeige korrekt in hexadezimal dargestellt.
    Ab PCA 7.8.0 werden die Interlocktexte für das MFU Flash korrekt in hexadezimal erzeugt, d.h. die Anzeige der USI, Modulnummer und des Interlockbits erfolgt seither durchgängig in hexadezimal.
    PCA hingegen zeigt diese Informationen dezimal und neuerdings (ab PCA 7.9.0) zusätzlich in {hexadezimal} an.
7.8.2 to 7.8.4
  • When sending the interlock texts to the MFU, the texts for the ICM_SR_7_1 are not transferred. (24.08.22 - DS)
    The issue will be fixed in a future version of PCA.
All versions up to and including 7.8.3
  • Due to an error in the interlock bit decoder of the 40-times interlock module (FW 7.0.x and 7.1.x), interlock bits greater than bit 32 are incorrectly assigned during decoding. (13.07.22 - DS)
    This means that interlocks above bit 32 cannot be detected and tested during module acceptance (acceptance test). The display in the interlock live view of the module is also incorrect.
    For the acceptance test, do NOT set the 'Mode' for accepting the interlock to 'Interlock' but to 'Manual'. This makes it possible to test the associated bit manually and confirm the test with the 'OK' or 'Failed' button.
    Unfortunately, the 'LiveView' can only be used to a limited extent, up to bit 32.
    The issue will be fixed in a future version of PCA.
7.7.2 to 7.8.3
  • ICM 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 ControllerConfiguration Button: 'Write configuration into module RAM' has no function. (07.07.22 - DS)
    Load the parameters completely into the system via the function in 'frm_Main'.
    The issue will be fixed in a future version of PCA.
7.8.1. back to 7.7.2
  • Due to an error in the code, the inputs of the 40-times interlock module CANNOT be used as standard interlocks, only as water flow monitors. (13.05.22 - DS)
    A configuration as an interlock is possible, but not executed.
    Use an older PCA version if possible.
    The issue will be fixed in a future PCA version.
7.7.2 and 7.7.3
  • Due to an error in the code when using the ICM7.4 and a connected SPI I/O module, if the LiveView is activated there, a possibly set PSS bit is deleted. (10.12.21 - DS)
    Avoid using the LiveView on the SPI I/O module or set the PSS bit afterwards again and transfer the parameters to the MFU RAM.
    The parameters in the MFU flash are not affected by this.
    This means that if you do not program the parameters in the MFU Flash, the PSS bit (if it is set in the device parameters) is restored when the parameters are reloaded from the Flash.
  • Pending interlocks for modules of newer firmware are sometimes not displayed on the MFU.Remote TabPage. (19.11.21 - DS)
    Interlocks are displayed on the TFT of the MFU.
    This issue will be fixed in a future PCA version.
7.7.0 and 7.7.1
  • When PCA is in offline mode, it could happen that it is no longer possible to open any config file. PCA freezes and can only be ended via the task manager.
    The reason is probably that PCA keeps trying to establish a USB connection to the MFU in the background.
    Uncheck USB -> AutoConnect before opening a file.
  • Running Tools -> ACU Module Test -> Load files generates an error message. (12.02.21 - DS)
    Due to an error when creating the setup routine, a few files are missing in the directory "C:\Program Files(x86)\PowerConfigAdvanced\TestFiles" after installation.
    These are only necessary for the functionality of PCA if module tests (Tools-> ACU Module Test) are carried out.
    Download the following archive: TestFiles.zip, unzip it and add its content to the installed PCA version.
  • Running Tools -> QR Code Generator generates an error message. (12.02.21 - DS)
    Due to an error when creating the setup routine, a DLL library is missing in the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerConfigAdvanced\bin\Release" after installation.
    For the functionality of PCA, this is only necessary if QR codes are to be created (Tools-> QR Code Generator).
    Download the following file: MessagingToolkit.QRCode.dll.zip, unzip it and add it to the installed PCA version.
7.5.0 up to and inclusing 7.7.0
  • Due to an error in PCA, when the tolerance band of the controller deviation is displayed in the internal scope (MFU -> Internal Scope), only the absolute tolerance and not the relative one is displayed. (27.10.20 - DS)
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA
  • Due to an error in PCA, the wrong TabPage is sometimes displayed in the "Controls not anymore available" information after loading a configuration. (28.10.20 - DS)
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA
  • Due to an error in PCA it is not possible to open an older, unencrypted XREP file with Tools -> Acceptance test -> Load file (.xtst, .xrep). (29.10.20 - DS)
    The unencrypted file is falsely encrypted and an attempt is made to open it.

    Please open the file in a text editor.
    If the 2nd line does NOT contain the entry: "PowerConfigAdvanced_ReportFile_XREP" but "Power_Config_Advanced_Configuration_Report_File" replace the entry there.
    Save and close the file.
    The Acceptance test tool should now be able to open it.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
All versions up to and including 7.7.0
  • The Tools -> Generate ACU_PARA.TXT file command is only executed correctly if an MFU is connected via USB. (21.10.20 - DS)
    Due to an error in PCA, it is not possible to create an ACU_PARA.TXT when PCA is in offline mode.
    Connect any MFU to PCA and make sure that the USB connection is active. Then the command is executed.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • Updates using the "frm_FW_Update" form sometimes fail. (09.09.20 - DS)
    Due to an error in the "frm_FW_Update", updates of firmware are only possible that have the old FSP045 depth of 6 bytes. If a FW is to be updated, in which the FSP has a depth of 7 bytes, the update fails.
    Use the update option via the USB flash drive.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
All versions until today
  • If an old .xpc7 configuration is opened that contains a large number of controls that are no longer available in the new version of PCA or are under a new name, the message about this may not show any relevant details. The info label is empty. (12.08.20 - DS)
    The reason for this is that the maximum permitted number of 65,536 characters for the label has been exceeded.
    Answer the question whether the information should be saved in a file with YES. The text file generated contains all information.
Probably all versions up to and including 7.6.3
  • If slow processes are recorded with the MFU int. Scope (slower than the readout process), the scope is read twice. This leads to incorrect artifacts in the display. (09.07.20 - DS)
    Stop the scope acquisition immediately after the first reading. Otherwise, the correct image will be overwritten incorrectly during the second readout.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • .xrep files may not open. (03.07.20 - DS)
    Please open the file in a text editor.
    If the 2nd line does NOT contain the entry: "PowerConfigAdvanced_ReportFile_XREP", replace the entry there.
    Save and close the file.
    PowerConfigAdvanced should now be able to open it.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • When creating a PDF report, the message "Debugging please in" mod_XMLHandling_SearchModulesInTheXMLFile "" may appear. (03.07.20 - DS)
    The reason for this are missing or changed entries for the module description in the .xrep file.
    This message can be ignored. Only, the "Firmware information" table of the report remains empty.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • The file name in the footer of the PDF report is incorrect. (03.07.20 - DS)
    There is the name of the .xrep file with the extension .pdf and not the selected PDF file name.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • It may happen that the loaded configuration is not displayed in offline mode if another configuration was already loaded. (03.07.20 - DS)
    Close PCA and open the new configuration by double-clicking on the configuration file.
    This issue will be fixed in future versions of PCA.
  • Logbucheinträge werden beim Auslesen immer als fehlerhaft angezeigt. Ursache ist ein falscher <> Vergleich.
    Beschädigte Einträge werden nicht angezeigt. Auch hier ist die Ursache ein falscher <> Vergleich. (14.11.19 - DS)
    Beim Auslesen bestätigen, dass zukünftige fehlerfahfte Logbucheinträge ignoriert werden sollen.
    Es werden alle nicht fehlerhaften EInträge korrekt angeziegt.
  • When creating a new MFU form, the gain for the DACs on the MFU'System configuration / disgnosis tab is set to 0.000 volts. Therefore, the DAC output does not work. (22.08.19 - DS)
    Set the DAC gains to 1.0000 volts and send the parameters to the MFU.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA
All versions up to and including 7.6.2
  • Because of a problem in converting read ADC offset values, the display of them in "PCA-ADCCalibration'Measured Offset" may be wrong depending on the value. (15.08.19 - DS)
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.
  • Due to some problems it is strongly recommended to use version 7.5.0 or 7.6.1. (28.05.19 - DS)
All versions up to and including 7.4.0
  • In the "Remote Control" MFU tab under "Controller Status" sometimes not all information is displayed correctly. (08.02.19 - DS)
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.
  • If an ADCDACIO module Ver. II is used together with an MFU FW < 7.4.0, the parameters of the ADCDACIO module are not transferred to the MFU as long as the "EnvironmentRefreshGaugeableValues" key is not activated. (08.02.19 - DS)
    Activate the function "EnvironmentRefreshGaugeableValues" before transferring parameters. This only applies to MFUs with FW versions < 7.4.0.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.
All versions up to and including 7.2.1
  • In the function generator of the MFU, Lowermost value and Top value must never have the same value. In addition, Lowermost value must always be smaller than top value. (17.10.18 - DS)
    If modules do not really have these HW versions, the configuration files must be corrected manually, if a module migration is to be carried out with PCA. (29.08.18 - DS)
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.
  • When an XREP file is opened and "Save" is pressed, only the device configuration is saved in the .XREP file. The device acceptance is completely lost. Since the .XREP is automatically saved after every successful acceptance point, manual saving is not necessary. (29.08.18 - DS)
    If, on the other hand, the configuration of the acceptance is to be saved, please use the "Save As" function and save the configuration as an .XPC7 file.
Version 7.1.1
  • If an .xtst file is created, there are broken XML elements in it. This prevents the reopening of the created .xtst file. Opening the file aborts with an error message, PCA can then no longer be operated. (17.10.18 - DS)
    Remove the spaces in the broken XML elements to make the file usable. Open the created .xtst file and change the XML start elements and XML end elements in lines 4 to 6 from "File data" to "FileData", "File time" to "FileTime" and "PCA version" to "PCA_Version". Make sure the start and stop elements are scrubbed exactly the same. Then save the file.
    This issue will be fixed in the next version of PCA.
Version 7.0.0
  • If configuration files are saved with this version, the following XML elements are saved erroneously: with 7, with 0 and with 7.0. (17.10.18 - DS)
    If modules do not really have these HW versions, the configuration files must be corrected manually, if a module migration is to be carried out with PCA. (17.10.18 - DS)
    Please contact the PCA support.

-- DerekSchupp - 2021-02-12
Topic revision: r39 - 2024-11-13, DerekSchupp
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