WR Switch: How-To Flash a WR Switch



Most importantly, you should the WRS manual. For version 4.2, see here.

Basically, all you need to do is to place a tarball containing the new firmware into a specific folder on the switch. It is almost like flashing an Android based device.


The following must be done.

  1. Get tarball with firmware from ohwr
  2. Move tarball to WRS
    • logon to WRS
    • check stuff in folder /update . In case there is another old tar file, rename the old file so that the update procedure will not recognize it
    • check version of switch using wrsw_version
      • version >= 4.1: Use scp to put the firmware as tarball wrs-firmware.tar to the folder /update .
      • version = 4.0: Consult the manual and follow the instructions. You need to do stuff like redirecting output to a console in order to avoid bricking.
  3. Reboot the WRS
  4. Logon and make sure flashing was successful by using the command wrsw_version .
  5. Take care about switch config. The whole config is contained in a file /wr/etc/dot-config .
    • We have prepared two config files
    • on the WRS, cd to folder /wr/etc and rename the actual dot-config .
    • use scp to copy the appropriate config file to /wr/etc/dot-config .
  6. Reboot the WRS
  7. Logon and make sure everything is fine

Just in Case: Creating a Configuration File

Logon to the WRS, cd to folder /wr/etc and make a backup of the existing file /wr/etc/dot-config (just to be sure). Create your own config by typing "make" and follow the procedure. For creating the files above, keep all values as default except the following ones
  • NTP server ->
  • Remote syslog server -> (? I am not quite sure this is correct)
  • Temperature PSL -> 60
  • Temperature PSR -> 60

dot-config for bc
# CONFIG_TIME_GM is not set
# CONFIG_TIME_FM is not set

dot-config for gm
# CONFIG_TIME_FM is not set
# CONFIG_TIME_BC is not set

-- DietrichBeck - 18 Dec 2015
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
dot-config_bcEXT dot-config_bc manage 3 K 2015-12-18 - 17:19 UnknownUser config for WRS as boundary clock
dot-config_gmEXT dot-config_gm manage 3 K 2015-12-18 - 17:20 UnknownUser config for WRS as grandmaster clock
Topic revision: r4 - 2019-06-19, dbeck
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