PEXARIA5 (Release R1)
The PEXIARA5A is a PCIe carrier board based on an ArriaV FPGA. It can be White-Rabbit enabled using a WREX1 add-on board. I/O are implemented using a mezzanine board.
Configuration 1
- Release Compatibility: R1
- Date: 15 October 2013
- Hardware:
- I/O Black Cat
- TTLIN1 : TLU trigger0
- TTLOUT1: ECA channel0 -> eca_gpio0
- TTLOUT2: ECA channel0 -> eca_gpio1
- LVDS1 : N/A
- LVDS2 : TLU trigger1
- LVDS3 : N/A
- LVDS4 : N/A
- LED5..8: ECA channel0 -> eca_gpio12..15
- PCIe: ECA channel1->pcie_slave_i
- Gateware and Firmware
- triggers/fifos: 2
- fifo depth: 10
- channels: 2
- condition table size: 128
- action queue length: 256
- Info
lxdv54:~> eb-info dev/wbm0
Project : pci_control
Platform : pexaria5 +febex-ad6 +wrex1
Build type : developer preview
Build date : Tue Oct 15 14:04:13 CEST 2013
Prepared by : Stefan Rauch <>
Perpared on : belpc098
OS version : Ubuntu 13.04, kernel 3.8.0-31-generic
Quartus : Version 13.0.1 Build 232 06/12/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version
082facc build: move common Makefile rules to shared file
d638347 pexarria5: flash rx is locked slightly too close
8d3d19a arria phy: include disparity correction and arria5 800ps fix
35193fb build-id: integrate into all top files
0f52fa6 build-id: include platform information in all designs
- Documentation
- Issues
- stored information about the add-on board is not correct (can be obtained with eb-info)
- stored information about the eca channel 0 is not complete (can be obtained with eca-ctl)
DietrichBeck - 16 Oct 2013