Event Numbers


Event numbers serve as IDs for actions performed by the control system.

Existing Facility

Information about event numbers used by the existing facility can be found here.

"New" FAIR Style Control System

The table below lists all event numbers. Please be aware of the following ranges for event numbers.
  • 000..0255: exclusively used for MIL based timing. If event numbers in this range are distributed by the GMT, the corresponding timing messages will be processed by the relevant GMT->MIL gateway.
  • 256..3999: exclusively used for the White Rabbit based General Machine Timing system.
  • 4000..4095: reserved for internal use by the GMT.

Event Numbers Used for Operation

0dEvtNo 0xEvtNo EvtNameSorted ascending Description FESA relevance
2056 808 CMD_B2B_DIAGEXT B2B internal: send result of optional diagnostic (extraction) N
2057 809 CMD_B2B_DIAGINJ B2B internal: send result of optional diagnostic (injection) N
2054 806 CMD_B2B_DIAGKICKEXT B2B: send result of kick diagnostic (extraction) Y
2055 807 CMD_B2B_DIAGKICKINJ B2B: send result of kick diagnostic (injection) Y
2080 820 CMD_B2B_MEAS1EXT B2B internal: send result of optional measurements (extraction) N
2081 821 CMD_B2B_MEAS1INJ B2B internal: send result of optional measurements (injection) N
2048 800 CMD_B2B_PMEXT B2B internal: request phase measurement (extraction) N
2049 801 CMD_B2B_PMINJ B2B internal: request phase measurement (injection) N
2050 802 CMD_B2B_PREXT B2B internal: send result of phase measurement (extraction) N
2051 803 CMD_B2B_PRINJ B2B internal: send result of phase measurement (injection) N
2058 80A CMD_B2B_PSHIFTEXT B2B internal: request phase shift at low-level rf (extraction) N
2059 80B CMD_B2B_PSHIFTINJ B2B internal: request phase shift at low-level rf (injection) N
2079 81F CMD_B2B_START Start B2B procedure Y
2052 804 CMD_B2B_TRIGGEREXT B2B: trigger kicker electronics (extraction) Y
2053 805 CMD_B2B_TRIGGERINJ B2B: trigger kicker electronics (injection) Y
284 11C CMD_BEAM_EXTRACTION Extraction from a ring machine; played shortly prior to each extraction within a sequence Y
283 11B CMD_BEAM_INJECTION Injection into a ring machine; played shortly prior to each injection within a sequence Y
520 208 CMD_BEAM_OFF General: End of beam passage Y
518 206 CMD_BEAM_ON General: Begin of beam passage Y
281 119 CMD_BI_MEAS1 Beam Diagnostics: Measure Event 1 Y
282 11A CMD_BI_MEAS2 Beam Diagnostics: Measure Event 2 Y
280 118 CMD_BI_TRIGGER Beam Diagnostics: Trigger Y
256 100 CMD_BP_START Start of Beam Process Y
1024 400 CMD_BUMPER_CHARGE Start bumper magnet ramp up Y
1025 401 CMD_BUMPER_START Start bumper ramp down Y
539 21B CMD_CHOPPER_CHARGE Start energizing chopper Y
286 11E CMD_CUSTOM_DIAG_1 Intended for diagnostic purposes Y
287 11F CMD_CUSTOM_DIAG_2 Intended for diagnostic purposes Y
288 120 CMD_CUSTOM_DIAG_3 Intended for diagnostic purposes Y
532 214 CMD_DRIVE_MOVE Move timing-controlled actuators to new position Y
523 20B CMD_EBEAM_OFF Electron beam off Y
522 20A CMD_EBEAM_ON Electron beam on Y
528 210 CMD_EXP_DAQ_START Start experiment data acquisition Y
529 211 CMD_EXP_DAQ_STOP Stop experiment data acquisition Y
530 212 CMD_EXP_DRIVE_IN Move experiment actuators (detectors) to measurement position Y
531 213 CMD_EXP_DRIVE_OUT Move experiment actuators (detectors) to outside position (clear beam aperture) Y
1027 403 CMD_EXTR_KICKER_START Start extraction kicker Y
512 200 CMD_FG_PREP Prepare function generator Y
513 201 CMD_FG_START Start function generator Y
259 103 CMD_GAP_END End of gap window. Within this window, background tasks can be performed safely. Y
258 102 CMD_GAP_START Start of gap window. Within this window, background tasks can be performed safely. Y
4000 FA0 CMD_GMT_INTERNAL1 internal use by the GMT N
1026 402 CMD_INJ_KICKER_START Start injection kicker Y
345 159 CMD_RF_PHASE_RESET Trigger the DDS phase reset for RF devices Y
290 122 CMD_RF_PREP RF: Prepare device for pulse generation Y
291 123 CMD_RF_PREP_PAUSE RF: Prepare device for pulse generation (paused operation and beam-out) Y
292 124 CMD_RF_STOP_PAUSE RF: Stop generation of pulse (paused operation and beam-out) Y
313 139 CMD_RF_SWITCH_01 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
314 13A CMD_RF_SWITCH_02 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
315 13B CMD_RF_SWITCH_03 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
316 13C CMD_RF_SWITCH_04 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
317 13D CMD_RF_SWITCH_05 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
318 13E CMD_RF_SWITCH_06 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
319 13F CMD_RF_SWITCH_07 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
320 140 CMD_RF_SWITCH_08 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
321 141 CMD_RF_SWITCH_09 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
322 142 CMD_RF_SWITCH_10 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
323 143 CMD_RF_SWITCH_11 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
324 144 CMD_RF_SWITCH_12 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
325 145 CMD_RF_SWITCH_13 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
326 146 CMD_RF_SWITCH_14 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
327 147 CMD_RF_SWITCH_15 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
328 148 CMD_RF_SWITCH_16 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
329 149 CMD_RF_SWITCH_17 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
330 14A CMD_RF_SWITCH_18 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
331 14B CMD_RF_SWITCH_19 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
332 14C CMD_RF_SWITCH_20 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
333 14D CMD_RF_SWITCH_21 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
334 14E CMD_RF_SWITCH_22 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
335 14F CMD_RF_SWITCH_23 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
336 150 CMD_RF_SWITCH_24 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
337 151 CMD_RF_SWITCH_25 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
338 152 CMD_RF_SWITCH_26 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
339 153 CMD_RF_SWITCH_27 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
340 154 CMD_RF_SWITCH_28 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
341 155 CMD_RF_SWITCH_29 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
342 156 CMD_RF_SWITCH_30 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
343 157 CMD_RF_SWITCH_31 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
344 158 CMD_RF_SWITCH_32 Change RF system operation mode according to predefined settings Y
521 209 CMD_SEPTUM_CHARGE Start septum ramp up Y
257 101 CMD_SEQ_START Sequence start. Implicitly, a CMD_SEQ_START is also a CMD_BP_START Y
271 10F CMD_SOURCE_BEAM_OFF Source Beam Off Y
270 10E CMD_SOURCE_BEAM_ON Source Beam On Y
272 110 CMD_SOURCE_HV_PREP HV Preparation for the Source Y
273 111 CMD_SOURCE_START Start beam production in source Y
274 112 CMD_SOURCE_STOP Stop beam production in source and switch source to standby Y
285 11D CMD_START_ENERGY_RAMP Start acceleration or deceleration; only for beam-in processes; intended for diagnostic purposes Y
525 20D CMD_STOCH_COOLING_OFF Stochastic cooling off Y
524 20C CMD_STOCH_COOLING_ON Stochastic cooling on Y
312 138 CMD_SYNCH Trigger all function generators Y
527 20F CMD_TARGET_OFF Disable target Y
526 20E CMD_TARGET_ON Enable target Y
353 161 CMD_UNI_BPREP Request UNILAC PZ to prepare beam delivery N
352 160 CMD_UNI_BREQ Request UNILAC PZ to deliver beam N
354 162 CMD_UNI_BREQ_NOWAIT Request UNILAC PZ to deliver beam but without 'wait block' in Data Master schedule N
4032 FC0 CMD_UNI_F50DM Start of UNILAC 50Hz cycle (sent by Data Master) N
4033 FC1 CMD_UNI_F50TUNE Tune Data Master 50 Hz cycle length (sent by WR-F50 SCU, 1000us after 50 Hz mains trigger signal) N
351 15F CMD_UNI_TCREL Request UNILAC PZ to release the transfer channel N
350 15E CMD_UNI_TCREQ Request UNILAC PZ to reserve the transfer channel N
79 4F EVT_ASYNC_TRANS Transfer to ESR without HF synchron. Y
152 98 EVT_AUS1 Start of 11th Ramp in magnets N
153 99 EVT_AUS2 Start of 11th Ramp in magnets N
17 11 EVT_AUX_PRP_NXT_ACC Set values in magnet prep. cycles N
8 8 EVT_BEAM_OFF End of beam production Y
6 6 EVT_BEAM_ON Valid beam Y
246 F6 EVT_BEGIN_CMD_EXEC Start of command evaluation within gap N
149 95 EVT_BUNCH_ROTATE Start with bunch rotation Y
248 F8 EVT_COLL_DET PZ detected collision of 2 asynch. events N
255 FF EVT_COMMAND Command event Y
201 C9 EVT_DATA_0 Data transfer event N
202 CA EVT_DATA_1 Data transfer event N
203 CB EVT_DATA_2 Data transfer event N
204 CC EVT_DATA_3 Data transfer event N
205 CD EVT_DATA_4 Data transfer event N
206 CE EVT_DATA_5 Data transfer event N
207 CF EVT_DATA_6 Data transfer event N
208 D0 EVT_DATA_7 Data transfer event N
200 C8 EVT_DATA_START First data transfer event N
104 68 EVT_DG_TRIGGER Trigger Messung Gitterhardware Y
92 5C EVT_DT_MESS Trigger for DTML measurement Y
139 8B EVT_DT_READ Read data for DTML measurement Y
138 8A EVT_DT_STOP Stop of DTML measurement Y
93 5D EVT_DX_MESS Trigger for DX measurement Y
141 8D EVT_DX_READ Read data for DX measurement Y
140 8C EVT_DX_STOP Stop of DX measurement Y
161 A1 EVT_EBEAM_OFF Electron beam off Y
160 A0 EVT_EBEAM_ON Electron beam on Y
148 94 EVT_ECE_HV_MESS Read actual value of pulsed ECE HV Y
147 93 EVT_ECE_HV_ON Write set value for pulsed ECE HV Y
146 92 EVT_ECE_HV_VAR Stepwise variation of ECE voltage Y
131 83 EVT_EIN1 ESR ????? 1 N
132 84 EVT_EIN2 ESR ????? 2 N
80 50 EVT_EMA_START Start EMA meassurement gate Y
254 FE EVT_EMERGENCY Emergency event N
245 F5 EVT_END_CMD_EXEC End of command evaluation within gap N
55 37 EVT_END_CYCLE End of a cycle N
128 80 EVT_ESR_READY_1 ESR ready for beam transfer N
129 81 EVT_ESR_READY_2 ESR ready for beam transfer N
150 96 EVT_ESR_REQ_REINJ ESR request SIS reinjection N
130 82 EVT_ESR_REQ_TO_SIS ESR beam request to SIS N
145 91 EVT_ESR_TRANS_SIS Transmission complete to SIS N
57 39 EVT_EXTR_BUMP Start of closed orbit distortion Y
51 33 EVT_EXTR_END End of extraction Y
46 2E EVT_EXTR_START_SLOW Start of extraction Y
78 4E EVT_EXTR_STOP_SLOW End of slow extraction Y
45 2D EVT_FLATTOP Magnets reached Flattop Y
52 34 EVT_FLATTOP_END End of Flattop (Magnets) reached Y
99 63 EVT_GAP_DTS_MESS Messevent für schnelle Trafos N
247 F7 EVT_GAP_INFO PZ information about next cycle N
96 60 EVT_GAP_POS_MESS Messevent zwischen den Zyklen N
98 62 EVT_GAP_SCR_MESS Messevent zwischen den Zyklen N
97 61 EVT_GAP_TRA_MESS Messevent zwischen den Zyklen N
251 FB EVT_GET_EC_TIME Synchronous reading of time of all ECs N
86 56 EVT_HF_BM_AMPH1 Start Ampl., Ph. Kav. 1 Strahlgym. Y
84 54 EVT_HF_BM_AMPH12 Start Ampl., Ph. Kav. 1+2 Strahlgym. Y
82 52 EVT_HF_BM_AMPH2 Start Ampl., Ph. Kav. 2 Strahlgym. Y
85 55 EVT_HF_BM_FREQ1 Start Freq. Kav. 1 Strahlgym. Y
83 53 EVT_HF_BM_FREQ2 Start Freq. Kav. 2 Strahlgym. Y
81 51 EVT_HF_BM_START Vorbereitung Strahlgym. Y
71 47 EVT_INJ_BUMP Closed orbit destortion for reinjection Y
108 6C EVT_INJ_READY Einzelne Unilac-Injektion erfolgt Y
35 23 EVT_INJECT B-field reached injection level Y
41 29 EVT_INJECT_END Start of injection from unilac Y
91 5B EVT_INT_FLAT Start of internal Flattop Y
199 C7 EVT_INTERNAL_FILL PZ: Fill long event delays (>10s) N
5 5 EVT_IQ_GAS_ON Start of heading gas (ion source) Y
3 3 EVT_IQ_HEATING Begin of ion source arc, ECR RF Y
106 6A EVT_KICK_GATE Start externe Synchr. für Kicker Y
105 69 EVT_KICK_READY Ext. Synchronisat. für Kicker Y
49 31 EVT_KICK_START_1 Start Kicker for HF-triggered extraction Y
69 45 EVT_KICK_START_2 Start Kicker for TG-triggered extraction Y
142 8E EVT_LEXT ESR start with ????????????? N
25 19 EVT_MAGN_DOWN Set magnets to zero current Y
133 85 EVT_MAN1 ESR manipulation 1 N
134 86 EVT_MAN2 ESR manipulation 2 N
39 27 EVT_MB_LOAD Start Bumper magnet ramp up Y
40 28 EVT_MB_TRIGGER Start active Bumper Ramp (down) Y
109 6D EVT_MHB Multi-Harmonischer-Betrieb von GS00BE_S (SIS18) Y
47 2F EVT_MK_LOAD_1 Load Kicker for HF-triggered puls Y
48 30 EVT_MK_LOAD_2 Load Kicker for Timinggenerator-triggered puls Y
77 4D EVT_MK_LOAD_RE_INJ Load Kicker for Reinjection N
90 5A EVT_MQ_MESS Trigger for Q-Wert measurement Y
88 58 EVT_MQ_START1 Load Q-Kicker (1st shot) Y
89 59 EVT_MQ_START2 Load Q-Kicker (2nd shot) Y
137 89 EVT_NO_BEAM There is no beam in ESR (for diagnostics) Y
54 36 EVT_PEAK_DOWN Peaking strip down N
34 22 EVT_PEAK_UP Peaking trip up N
135 87 EVT_PHASE_SYNCH_1 Phase is 1st time synchronized between ESR- and SIS-HF N
136 88 EVT_PHASE_SYNCH_2 Phase is 2nd time synchronized between ESR- and SIS-HF N
63 3F EVT_PHASE_SYNCH_GATE_1 Begin of first phase synchronisation between ESR- and SIS-HF N
65 41 EVT_PHASE_SYNCH_GATE_2 Begin of second phase synchronisation between ESR- and SIS-HF N
20 14 EVT_PREP_AUX Trigger BIF beam diagnostics Y
4 4 EVT_PREP_BEAM_ON Switch on chopper, read act. values Y
103 67 EVT_PREP_DG Vorbereitung Gitterhardware Y
107 6B EVT_PREP_DTI Entklemmung TK trafos SIS timing Y
22 16 EVT_PREP_EXP Pretrigger for Experiments Y
53 35 EVT_PREP_EXTR Prepare devices for next Extraction Y
44 2C EVT_PREP_INJ Prepare devices for next Injection Y
75 4B EVT_PREP_KICK_1 Prepare kicker: load capacitor 1 Y
76 4C EVT_PREP_KICK_2 Prepare kicker: load capacitor 2 Y
16 10 EVT_PREP_NEXT_ACC Prepare next acc., write set values Y
74 4A EVT_PREP_RE_INJ Prepare devices for Reinjection N
19 13 EVT_PREP_UNI_DIAG Prepare diagnostic devices, Unilac N
28 1C EVT_PRETRIG_BEAM Magnets on flattop, PG trigger Y
143 8F EVT_PSTACK ESR start with ????????????? N
0 0 EVT_PZ_ChanEnd SIS/ESR PZ only: mark end of channel N
154 9A EVT_RAMP_11 Start of 11th Ramp in magnets N
155 9B EVT_RAMP_12 Start of 12th Ramp in magnets N
156 9C EVT_RAMP_13 Start of 13th Ramp in magnets N
157 9D EVT_RAMP_14 Start of 14th Ramp in magnets N
158 9E EVT_RAMP_15 Start of 15th Ramp in magnets N
159 9F EVT_RAMP_16 Start of 16th Ramp in magnets N
43 2B EVT_RAMP_START Start of acc/deacc ramp in magnets Y
73 49 EVT_RE_INJ_END End of reinjection N
72 48 EVT_RE_INJ_START SIS is ready for reinjection N
30 1E EVT_READY_TO_SIS 10 ms before beam transfer N
253 FD EVT_RESERVED In older systems : change vrtacc event N
151 97 EVT_RESET Start of 11th Ramp in magnets Y
24 18 EVT_RF_AUX_TRIG Trigger ADC in RF extra cycles Y
18 12 EVT_RF_PREP_NXT_ACC Begin of RF extra cycle Y
26 1A EVT_SD_AUX_START Beam diagnostics aux start trigger Y
27 1B EVT_SD_AUX_STOP Beam diagnostics aux stop trigger Y
252 FC EVT_SET_EC_TIME Synchronous setting of time in all ECs N
58 3A EVT_SIS_ACK_TO_ESR SIS acknowledge to ESR N
59 3B EVT_SIS_READY_1 SIS ready for extraction to ESR N
60 3C EVT_SIS_READY_2 SIS ready for extraction to ESR N
100 64 EVT_SIS_TRANS1_ESR First transmission complete to ESR N
101 65 EVT_SIS_TRANS2_ESR Second transmission complete to ESR N
31 1F EVT_SRC_DST_ID Source/Destination of beam N
144 90 EVT_STACK ESR start with ????????????? N
33 21 EVT_START_BFELD Start of B-Field N
32 20 EVT_START_CYCLE First Event in a cycle N
2 2 EVT_START_IQ Begin of beam production Y
95 5F EVT_START_LECROY Start measurement with LeCroy Y
1 1 EVT_START_RF Power to RF cavities Y
10 A EVT_STOP_IQ Switch IQ off Y
12 C EVT_STOP_RF Switch RF off Y
250 FA EVT_SUP_CYCLE_START Supercycle starts N
56 38 EVT_SYNCH Trigger all function generators Y
87 57 EVT_TG_CLEAR Clear Timinggenerator Y
94 5E EVT_TG_SWITCH Umschalten der TG synchronisation Y
209 D1 EVT_TIME_1 Time stamp, most sign. bits N
210 D2 EVT_TIME_2 Time stamp, medium sign. bits N
211 D3 EVT_TIME_3 Time stamp, least sign. bits N
42 2A EVT_TIMEOUT_1 Trigger timeout channel 1 N
50 32 EVT_TIMEOUT_2 Trigger timeout channel 2 N
64 40 EVT_TIMEOUT_3 Trigger timeout channel 3 N
66 42 EVT_TIMEOUT_4 Trigger timeout channel 4 N
67 43 EVT_TIMEOUT_5 Trigger timeout channel 5 N
68 44 EVT_TIMEOUT_6 Trigger timeout channel 6 N
249 F9 EVT_TIMING_DIAG For diagnostics in timing system N
181 B5 EVT_TIMING_EXTERN Switch to extern timing N
180 B4 EVT_TIMING_LOCAL Take local timing N
61 3D EVT_TRANS_START_1 Begin of transmission to ESR N
62 3E EVT_TRANS_START_2 Begin of transmission to ESR N
162 A2 EVT_UDET_IN Move detector (charge changed) in Y
163 A3 EVT_UDET_OUT Move detector out Y
37 25 EVT_UNI_ACKN Acknowledge from Unilac N
29 1D EVT_UNI_END_CYCLE End of a UNILAC cycle N
70 46 EVT_UNI_PREP Demand setting of TK (200 ms before beam) N
38 26 EVT_UNI_READY Unilac ready, transfer in preparation N
36 24 EVT_UNI_TRANS Demand UNILAC beam N
21 15 EVT_UNLOCK_ALVAREZ Unlock A4 for next pulse N
224 E0 EVT_UTC_1 Time stamp UTC bits 32..39 N
225 E1 EVT_UTC_2 Time stamp UTC bits 24..31 N
226 E2 EVT_UTC_3 Time stamp UTC bits 16..23 N
227 E3 EVT_UTC_4 Time stamp UTC bits 8..15 N
228 E4 EVT_UTC_5 Time stamp UTC bits 0.. 7 N

Table 1: Event numbers distributed by the timing system. The table has been extracted from the ACC database on 2024-oct-24.

-- DietrichBeck - 24 October 2024
Topic revision: r36 - 2024-10-23, dbeck
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