WR F50: Synchronizing the White Rabbit Data Master to 50 Hz Mains Introduction Stability of Linac RF systems are vital for a stable operation of UNILAC. As many ...
Timing Messages Format of a Timing Message Timing messages is a term describing the input to a Timing Receiver (TR) that possibly leads to generation of a so cal...
MIL Event Telegram Format Introduction The 'old' GSI control system used a field bus that is an extension of the MIL STD 1553 field bus 1 . At GSI, this 'MIL bu...
White Rabbbit UNILAC PZ (wr unipz) Introduction UNIPZ Figure: Most simplified view on UNIPZ (upper part). It is a combination of a Super UNIPZ and seven UNI...
WR MIL Gateway Introduction The White Rabbit to MIL gateway can work in one GID only. Its main features are. * listen to so called legacy event numbers, EvtNo...